Thank you guys all SO much for your sweet congratulations on the newest addition to our family!
So... this pregnancy wasn't exactly planned... it came about 4 months earlier than we'd talked about, but we couldn't be happier about it!!
It already feels so different than my other pregnancies- I have not even felt pregnant at all- and I was extremely surprised when I found out that I was. It took a few days to really sink in. I feel like with the last two pregnancies, I knew right away. This one has not been that way.
I am a little over 6 weeks along, which (according to my calculations) would make me due around March 24th. (Two of my best friend's birthdays!) I have an appointment with my midwife around the end of August. I feel pretty good so far. Today has been my first day of any nausea. I'm praying this pregnancy will be like when i was pregnant with Ezra-- I never felt sick even once! Wild.
Chris and I are probably not going to find out the gender this time around. We think that the surprise of finding out in the delivery room will be really special. There's a lot of hope of this baby being a girl, and we both feel like finding out what this baby is when we actually get to HOLD him or her will eliminate any feelings of sadness if it's another boy because... we'll be HOLDING him! And he will be absolutely PERFECT!
I can not BELIEVE we are going to have three children. It feels like such an enornmous jump from two. Also, I feel like I was just pregnant like, two seconds ago. haha. There were four long years between Ezra & Myer, and there will only be two years (and two months!) between Myer & Baby Three. I feel a little scared about that... How exactly does one manage a two year old AND a bitty baby? I have a feeling it might require superpowers.
We are so so so very excited and I will be documenting the journey of baby three here as best as I can!