Myer is at my MOST favorite kid age right now. 8 months. There is something magical about this age for me. It's the huge personality busting out from the seams of a tiny baby body, I think. Is there anything better?
(No. No there is not!)This eight month milestone is much different than it was the first time around. Ezra, at eight months, was JUST beginning to crawl. Myer, on the other hand, is already 'walking' around all the furniture... oftentimes letting go and wobbling for a moment before crashing to the ground. Oh. Lordy.
My living room is far from "child proof". Ezra's favorite toy is currently LEGOS. (Whoever designed those tiny CLEAR lego pieces should be locked in a room with a baby and be forced to pick them out of the carpet fibers before the Baby Sonar can locate them... A.K.A. my life IN A NUTSHELL.)
Ummmmm, how exactly does one baby-proof a BOOKSHELF, pray tell?My days are spent trying to protect the bambino from dangers smaller than my pinky nail. (What raptures!) And yet, amidst all the frustration, there is permeating joy! Because he furrows his mini-brow at me and yells "mmmma ma!" when he's frustrated... because he bop-dances when I play my guitar... because he acts coy when people say hello to him and he buries his face in my neck...
I love him and his smart round eyes.
This past week was a bit rough for our little house. Ezra was acting weird for a couple of days-- claiming that he was 'tired' all the time and then lying in his bed.
One time I found him in his bed, under the covers, and he told me that his HEART felt crazy. I listened to his chest and his heart was POUNDING really hard. This was troubling because Ezra had just gotten out of the car and walked down the hall... he wasn't running or playing hard or anything.
I called the doc, we got in to see him the next day, and he ended up feeling like he needed to take a blood sample. Ezra was traumatized by the whole thing, and so was I. They had to poke him three times. I have never seen my son so freaked out and upset, and I thought I was going to pass out while I was holding him during it all, because I was so emotionally overwhelmed by the experience. I have NO idea how I am going to convince him to go to the doctor's ever again.
We've been keeping a close eye on him and asking him occasionally if his heart feels funny, but he immediately answers 'NO!' because he's afraid of having to go back to the doctor. GREAT.
The doc showed me how to take his pulse while I was there, and said that if his heart starts racing again for unknown reasons, he wants to order an echocardiogram and really check out the structure of his heart.
Bleg. No fun. But, Ezra seems to be feeling better overall, so I am hopeful that none of that will be necessary.
Chris and Ezra recently embarked on a project to build something using "every single lego that we own."
Boys are weird.****
I've been busy this week working on a kid's worship song, submitting articles for publishing, and creating blogs for my
brother and my
hubby. It has been a productive & creative few days as well... Wee!
I've also been using this site called
MyChores to help me organize my house and keep things clean in a more efficient manner.

It basically is a website (that is fully customizable) that assigns you chores everyday to complete in your home. Each day it gives me a handful of tasks to finish, and then I mark them off as DONE and then they reset and get reassigned in a few days or months- however often those things should be done. It is seriously
revolutionizing my life. My house has never been so clean, and I have never been less stressed about it. Because it's all organized for me! You should definitely try this site, or one like it, if you often feel overwhelmed by keeping up on cleaning like I do. It has been awesome.
Lastly, I love my new hair! It is easy and FUN. (I like that in a hair-do.) And, to answer some of you out there, I did cut it myself. I have cut my own hair for many moons, and I have learned to just kind of wing it... cutting and eyeballing things as I go. I don't think my hair has ever been this short. But I love it.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm off to bed! ZZZzzzz.