Chris and I were planning on going out for our Anniversary last night, and we'd talked about maybe dinner at the Irish Pub by our house and then possibly a movie? You know... something nice and relaxing and traditional as far as dates go?
sidenote: this is what i wore. I LOVE this vintage dress.But then, at the last minute, we got a text from Joel saying that the band
Owl City was playing an unadvertised show at the
OU campus in Norman for FREE, and that the doors were opening in about an hour.
Chris' mom came to watch the kids as planned, we grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard for dinner, and then we raced down to Norman (about 30 minutes away) so that we could get in to the show in time.
We stood in a huge line, piled in to a stinky gymnasium with approximately 6 trillion college students and their 6 trillion
iphones, and then we sat. For a
looooooooong time.

There was something SO SO eerie and disturbing and downright creepy about seeing all those young faces illuminated by the glow of their mini
facebook and twitter pages. I felt like I wanted to run away and live in the wilderness for the rest of my days.
The opening band finally came on and they were... not my favorite.
(hey look! i pulled an accidental Newsom in this shot! yesssss!)Moving on.
After they played their set, we waited some more. The guy setting up the Owl City gear was moving at the pace of about 1 foot per year, and my legs were going numb from being crammed into the 5 inches of space I was allotted on my gymnasium
torture device bench.
Then Owl City came on, and all of my cares and troubles disappeared.
They were SO good.
We had to leave after a few songs so that we could get back to the house and sleeping children at a decent hour, but we left feeling totally inspired and pumped.
We stopped in to a place called 'Fat Sandwich' before we hopped in the car, because it was the only place open and we were FAMISHED.
Joel ate a Chicken Donut. As kind of a joke. But the joke was on him. Because HE ATE A DONUT WITH CHICKEN AND CHEESE INSIDE OF IT.
Chris and I ate a sandwich roll with chicken fingers,
mozzarella sticks, gyro meat, and french fries inside of it.

(The joke was also on us.)
UGH. SO gross.
It was an anniversary that I will not forget. Because it was full of adventure and fun and laughter and good music.
Dinner and a movie would not have provided such an evening, I am pretty sure.
Do any of us REALLY enjoy dinner/movie cookie-cutter evenings out like that? I mean, I know we all SAY that we do because we're
supposed to say that we do, but does anyone else feel like they are
kindof... boring? And wastes of money?
The only time I really enjoy dates like that is when we end up having really really good conversations while we're out. But, when you think of it, fancy restaurants and movie theatres aren't exactly good places to have those great, heartfelt conversations. It's like you have to have those conversations in spite of those places.
I'm thinking I want to have more picnic dates. Or dates where you drive all over town trying to find hot tubs to sneak in to. Or dates where you put a big bottle of wine on your kitchen table and a stack of index cards with really good and important questions on them and you don't get up until both are finished.
Maybe we will make this 'Anniversary Adventure' idea a tradition from now on.
Because, you only live once! Might as well do something that makes you feel like you're actually
alive, right?