Yesterday, I timidly started looking at BABY GEAR again. You know... the strollers... the bouncing, vibrating, rocking, moon launching, MP3 compatible contraptions that cost an arm and a leg and come in every color imaginable: wasabi green, lemonade yellow, mandarin orange, and deep plum.
All these color choices are making me hungry.
There is one contraption that far out does them all, however, in the area of uniqueness and SAY WHAT NOW?-ish-ness ... And there is a small part of me that MUST HAVE IT.

It's the Swiss Strolli Rider, and it attaches to practically any stroller.
How fun is that?
Here's why it's appealing to me: Ezra will be four years old by the time this coming baby is born, and we haven't used a stroller for him in the last two years or so. He's a roamer. But it would be nice to have SOME place to corral him while I'm pushing the baby around in crowded places or whatever, and there definetly isn't any need for us to get a huge arse double stroller to contain him.
I've also looked at these types of things:

...where you attach a board to your stroller that older kids can ride on, but I have one question about the logistical layout of this idea. HOW DO YOU WALK WITH THIS THING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU? That space she's riding on there? THAT'S WHERE MY FEET GO. Right? I'm confused as to how this can be practical. My legs are long and I need me some serious striding room. I suppose I could waddle around town with this board at my feet, but I think I'll have had my fill of "waddling" by the end of this pregnancy thankyouverymuch. Heck, I'm already waddling around and I've got 20 more weeks to go.
Also, while we're on the subject of hauling multiple children around town, I have a question for all you more experienced parents out there. Last night I woke up out of a deep sleep and suddenly could not stop thinking about one thing:
How do you take a blobby infant AND a toddler grocery shopping?? HOW?! If you pile the children on/in the cart, there's no room for the food! What is the best way to manage this? Baby carriers? Toddler leashes? Grocery delivery services? Finding alternative means of living that don't involve food?
I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing again. Prolly because I DON'T. (And never really did.)