Ezra started school on Tuesday.
The apple was for his teacher and the smile was for pure joy at the prospect of getting to PLAY again and not be holed up with mamma all day everyday.
(I had a similar smile on my face as well. heh.)
He loooves school, and is doing really well in his class so far.

I am EIGHTEEN weeks pregnant already. Excuse me, say whaaa?
There are only about 11 days, 23 hours, 37 minutes, and 21 seconds until we find out what we're having.
Not that I'm counting or anything.
I heard another fabulous idea about how to make 'finding out the gender' more special/fun. A friend of my neighbor's told me they had the technician write the sex down on a card and seal it up. Then they took that card to a bakery and told the bakers to make a cake covered with white frosting, but to die the inside of the cake pink or blue according to what the card said. On the top of the cake they wrote "It's A ....?" Then, they took the cake home and invited all their friends/family over for dessert & coffee. Everyone gathered around when they cut into the cake, and everyone got to find out together what they were having by the pink or blue insides!
Isn't that so SWEET? (PUN alert.) And ELABORATE? I love the idea but reallllly don't know if I have the patience for any extra hours of waiting. But Chris likes the idea, so it's not entirely off our plates yet. (I'm feeling PUNtastic today.)
I'm still feeling good, although my back is cracking all the time and bothering me at night which makes me feel like a geezer. I was a sprite 21 years of age when I first got pregnant with Ezra, and I guess all these aches and pains (I'm not even halfway yet!!) make me feel old-ish.
I think part of it may have to do with the fact that last time I was pregnant, I had Diastasis Recti, which is where the abdominal muscles separate in pregnancy and you get a nice, pointy, triangular belly instead of a cute little round one.
Apparently, there are exercises you can do after pregnancy to try and fuse these muscles together again, but I was unaware of the need to do anything about it at the time. So, my muscles stayed separated. I know this because whenever I flex my abdominal muscles now, my preggo belly turns into a pointy, triangular ridge again. I've heard this can cause some women back pain with subsequent pregnancies, and I'm thinking that may be part of the reason I am feeling rickety. Did anyone else have a triangular belly while pregnant? I felt like an alien last time around. Like a freaky-freak of nature.

Whenever he comes home from work and can tell it has been "one of those days" at home, he borrows the neighbor's bike trailer, straps the kids in, and disappears with them for an hour or so... riding them around and taking them to play at the park. He's one of those husbands... one of those dads... and I am a lucky, lucky, LUCKY woman to have him. He's so considerate and observant and understanding. I love you, baby!

Such a cute belly pic! Oh. My. Gosh. I would just crumble inside if I had to wait for a cake to find out what I was having. I'm pretty sure even if i had 4 kids, I couldn't wait any longer than 20 weeks on the dot.
Oh my you DO look amazing! I like that cake idea but I would probably die from waiting so long and end up eating the whole thing myself before guests even arrived!
I love you guys so much.
seriously emery, I think im going to do that. That night we are hosting a singles meet and greet at our house, of course all the singles love our kids and cant waite to find out,w ell its on the 5th wich is the same day that ultrasound is, we are having dinner I could do a cake and we can open it after dinner with all fo them! That would make it really fun!
How funny, I too had the triangle belly (and still do). casey and i would tease that we had an alien inside trying to get out.
Nehemiah started preschool on Monday. He goes mondays and fridays. Ive spent the whole week dreaming about which stores i would get to wander around slowly in, stop look at things and he wakes up with a cold yesterday morning. I hated calling his school saying he wouldnt be coming in today.
My niece's nurse at Mercy NICU did that. It would be funny if it was the same people.
We had our ultrasound today and did the envelope thing that you suggested. Then we took the kids to the park for breakfast (before dad had to go to work) and he opened the envelope.
The tech had taped the picture from the ultrasound on the paper and then wrote on the top "Congratulations you can buy lots of pink!"
It was the best moment ever for them. You can see it on our blog.
I am due on Jan 26th. When are you due?
I love your belly. The cake idea would be a cute idea, but I definitely wouldn't have the patience for it!
Yep. My belly was a triangle when I leaned back a little and engaged my abs... funny, I didn't know it had a name. Thanks for naming it for me. Good thing it's not a triangle all the time. That would be weird. You have the one up on me with a cuter belly, that's for sure!
Do you know Sam Lamb? I love love love her pictures. I don't remember how I first found out about her but WOW. I feel star struck right now.
LOVE the belly shot! Too cute!
What a fun idea for finding out if you're having a boy or girl!
Ezra is so handsome. And you're still a young thing.
I think Im almost as excited as you guys to find out what this little baby is!! I cant wait! And I know of one other little girl who thinks your husband hung the moon:) so it must be true..you guys are awesome!
Oh, man, I've been away from other people's blogs waaaay too long. Congrats! Yay!
Number two is not as much work as everyone says it is. It's tiring but it's wonderful. Enjoy.
oh my gosh you look amazing! and ezra is looking dashing as usual!
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