So, earlier today I had a cup of delicious hot coffee in my hand, and I was looking forward to gulping it down my tired throat, but in some sort of newborn haze I grabbed a spoon and proceeded to scoop
two spoonfuls of that coffee INTO MY SUGAR BOWL.
That's ass-backwards is what that is.

In other news, today Myer is six weeks old, which is the day that I had decided to start him on some sort of a eating/sleeping/waking schedule. (Jesus have mercy on my soul.) I am not naturally a "schedule" person, (I tend to run from it like from the bulls of pamplona) but I
am naturally a "enjoy sleeping at night" kind of person. So... you know.
With Ezra, I just followed his cues. I fed him when he was hungry, let him sleep when he wanted to sleep, etc. And it worked out great, because, I think, he was my only child. And I was at home with him all day everyday and I didn't
have to have any sort of structure to my schedule. But even with this loosey-goosey approach, Ezra was sleeping through the night at about 10 weeks. Hallelu.
With Myer, however, I can tell that I need to get things in some sort of order. He's still waking a lot at night, which is expected (and fine) of course, but I'd like to feel like I have a bit more of an idea of what to expect and when to expect it during the days. So, I've created some concoction of a schedule from several different sources, and it basically boils down to this:
1. We will have a set waking time and bedtime. (7:30 AM and 7:30 PM respectively.)
2. In between those times, I will try to fit in 6 or 7 feedings. (Approx every 2 hours)
3. I will do one 'dreamfeed' at night (around 10 or so) where I do not completely wake him, but feed him and put him right back down.
Simple. (It HAS to be in order for me to stick with it.)
As for naps, I think I'll just watch for cues that he's tired and put him down whenever that happens to be. He won't be sleeping more than 2 hours at a time because I will be feeding him every two hours, so that should help regulate oversleeping too.
a snapshot into all the insanity. Thanks, iCal!Lastly, I'm going to smother all of this in a whole heckuvalot of GRACE as well, because, honestly? I think that a person who clings TOO tightly to their plan or schedule can suffocate the life right out of... well,
life. And that's no fun.
I believe that babies should adapt to their parents, rather than parents putting everything on hold for 'baby's schedule'. Ezra is an extremely adaptable kid, because from an early age, we included him in our lives rather than sectioning him off from them. We will do the same with Myer. We will have loud dinner parties and random roadtrips and we'll never stop passing him around to open arms. We will share our lives and our friends and our priorities with him. And part of the reason that he'll do so great with all of this is because we, as his parents, will be
relaxed and actually enjoying the life we've brought him into.
All of this being said...
Jesus have mercy on my soul.
Schedules have this cute little habit of making me break out in hives.