I received this message on my music page a few days ago.
"I think I went to High School with you. Anyway, you have a beautiful child, aweseme clothing line, but my god you have one of the worst voices I have ever heard on a woman. I think you are tone deaf Emery, you should get that checked. You sound like a deep voiced man with a cracky off toned voice." =(
I had to laugh, because... really? Who prefaces insults with compliments?
She does, that's who!
That would be like me walking up to you and saying,
"Hi! You've got really lovely hair! And,
oh! What beautiful eyes you have! And also? You are the most stupidest stupid-head in the whole wide universe." FROWNY FACE.
Possibly the nicest hate mail I've ever received.
**********************************The other day I went shoe shopping with my sister-in-law, Candace, and I just have to say... I really like her. A whole lot.

Isn't she cuuuute?
**********************************Ezra recently got to play with some of his cousins, and he had such a good time I thought his head was going to implode from the sheer joy of it all. He hasn't had a whole lot of kid interaction since we've been in Reno, so he drank up every last drop of it and then promptly passed out in the car on the way home.

Poor little guy. Lately, when I take him to Barnes & Noble or to the park, he immediately latches on to any other kid in sight and follows them around screaming, "FWIENDS!!"
He appears desperate, like a barnacle. A really really really cute barnacle.
Last night I got to meet up with an old cheerleading coach of mine who has been reading along here on this blog for awhile. Her name is
Maggie and she is so amazing and adorable that I wanted to put her and her son in my pocket and run away with them for ever and ever and ever. Her son is one year younger than Ezra, and they played at Starbucks together while Maggie and I caught up on life. She and her hubby live in Nashville. So... I figure... What with
Flo moving there in January and all, I think a trip is in order for us in the near future? Eh? Eh? Nude nudge wink wink? Wee!
This is a picture of Ezra playing with his Uncle Jared, my oldest brother. He's a civil engineer. My mom keeps telling me how Ezra reminds her so much of Jared when he was a toddler. Ezra is fascinated by "doo-hickies". Things that move and operate and can be manipulated. Mechanical things that have purpose and function. Like this little tractor set, for example. He uses the claws to pick up the little logs and then drives them over to a designated area and drops them off and does it all over again and again until you start to wonder if anything has ever been repeated that much in the history of the world.
It is so awesome to see these two together. I can really see a lot of similarities in them- even though Ezra is only two. Isn't it amazing how much personality can be contained in such little toddler bodies? I want to nurture the strengths I see in my son, and I think that, over the years, Jared will be able to help me do that for Ezra.
This is just one more reason that family/friends are so amazing. My son will benefit SO much from the strengths of the people around him- strengths that I may not be able to provide all on my own. It makes me feel like I've got a big fat safety net underneath me, and
that right there has got to be the greatest feeling in the world for me.
I'm sure any mother could agree.