I took on way too much today.
I didn't really mean to, it just all kind of... happened. TODAY.
It all started with a trip to the grocery store early this morning after Ezra was at school. We needed one of everything... you know how it goes... and I had an infant strapped to my chest and a 2 year old in the cart who has recently moved beyond "challenging" into the realms of "batpoop crazy".
We had to walk down every isle. And then I had to go back down a couple that I somehow missed things on, all while listening to the constant badgering from a certain 2 year old about the "tiny batteries" that I promised to buy him for his train.
(I fear I may have post-traumatic stress over the "tiny battery" torture that I endured this morning. If I ever hear the words "tiny batteries" again, I'm just going to scream and run with no preface whatsoever. Just so you know.)

Anywho, we did mostly OK in the store, despite stumbling upon the WORLD'S! SLOWEST! BAGGER! at the checkout, when I was mere inches from the finish line. She was as sweet as could be, and I really did appreciate her taking such care with my grocery items, but also? This baby ain't gettin' any lighter and this 2 year old ain't gettin' any quieter sweetheart. JUST THROW THE STUFF IN THE BAGS. I AM REALLY OK WITH MY BREAD ITEMS TOUCHING MY FROZEN ITEMS RIGHT NOW.
(Heck, I would have been okay with my food items touching my poison items at that point, hahaha.)
MYER: "Where's my TINY BATTERIES go mama??"
ME: *eye twitch*
So, I get all the (perfectly bagged!) groceries home and as I'm pulling into the driveway I remember the thing I always forget. I have to bring all this stuff inside somehow.

I realize that there are probably a few people out there who don't own a gaggle of children who are thinking in their perfectly coiffed heads, "...and?"
These are the people who have never had to juggle a sleeping infant in a carseat and a loud child or two in the other seats and a car full of frozen items that are quickly becoming baked items in the 111 degree heat and the concern over if a policeman happened to drive by and one's kids were all still strapped in the car while one was lugging armful after armful of groceries inside, how much time would one serve, exactly? And would the jail cell be relatively quiet where one could potentially hear one's own thoughts without having to maintain banter about "tiny batteries" for hours at a time?
Hmmm...... Wait. Why do I suddenly hear a ukulele playing in my head?
I leave the kids in the running car and bring in the endless bags. Then I bring in the children. Then I put everything away while also making lunch and setting up the pottytraining stuff and feeding the baby.
THEN I remember to go turn the car off. hahaha.

That brings me to THING TWO. Myer finally expressed an interest in potty training today. I was not about to let that opportunity slip through my fingers, so I girded my loins and pulled the dusty potty chair out into the living room. I set out juice boxes and fun Lightning McQueen undies and crazy straws and M&M's, and I dug in my heels.
Things were going great! For about... 20 minutes.

He went potty once after much coaxing, and was excited about the progress, but then something shut down in him. He wanted NOTHING to do with the potty after that.
What is a mother to do? Do you strong-arm your way through toward the goal? Do you give in the a child's desires and slap the diaper back on?
I tried the strong-arm approach.
I... pretty much lost. To a two-year-old. He's waaay too strong for me to fight right now.
After dragging a second "potty success" out of the child this evening, I checked my energy reserves. The tank was completely empty, and I had just fed Myer a half pound of M&M's right in the middle of dinner, just so he would stop freaking out and pee into a green plastic frog.
Not my finest parenting moment, let's just say that.

Oh, and THING THREE: I took all three kids to the library in there somewhere. I can't remember how it all worked out logistically. It's all a blur at this point.
So... yeah. I took on too much today.
Thank the sweet Lord Jesus that tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I plan to stay in my jammies and change lots and lots of glorious diapers. That sounds like *heaven on earth* right about now, it really does. haha.