Y'all... I'm hugenormous. I've "popped". And if I hear one more "basketball smuggling" joke I may just go and hibernate for the rest of the winter. Heck, I may do that anyways- basketball reference or no... I am far too unbalanced to be walking around and stuff.
Seriously though, I'm still feeling pretty darn tootin' great. I don't do much these days... I pretty much just sit around and then lay around and then take another bath and read my book. I'm going through books like they were hotcakes. I feel like I should be exercising or walking around the neighborhood everyday, but I don't do it. I draw another bath instead. And have some more eggnog.
I'm probably averaging 3 baths a day at this point. (Sorry for the upcoming water bill, honey!) It just feel so good to FLOAT for a minute and be warm. I've also taken to another disturbing quirk that happened last time I was pregnant as well. I have this Lavender "bath powder" that I got from someone probably 5 years ago. It's almost gone, but I refuse to use the last of it because, multiple times throughout the day (while preggo), I will stop what I'm doing, go open the container, and SMELL the yumminess inside. Just smell it for a second or two- and then continue on my day. Is this strange? I can't stop myself. In fact, I'm smelling it now.
I told Chris he only needs to start worrying about me if I start cutting lines and snorting the stuff. THEN WE WILL HAVE A PROBLEM.
YES. I've moved this nearly empty container halfway
across the country with me, and into four different houses.
NO. They don't make the stuff anymore. *sniff*This baby is rockin' and a rollin' inside of me, and tap dancing on my bladder, and making it more and more difficult to sing due to the fact that my diaphram is now MIA somewhere inside my body. He gets the hiccups a lot at night right when I lay down to go to sleep, and it's cute.
I'm going to try to take a tour of the Labor & Delivery Ward tomorrow, and get my pre-registration packet for the hospital admittance for when I go into labor. I've started doing fun things, too, like putting together a little online registry for family far away, and GET THIS, my dear friends Rebecca & Leanne are hosting a BABY SHOWER for me soon!! I'm so excited, I can't even stand it.
On my list of things to do still: Get stuff squared away with the insurance company for when this little dude makes his arrival, and start thinking of what to pack in the hospital bag. I may be two months out still, but you just never know. Also- track down a rocker/glider of some sort. (Woe! I have no chairs that move!)
Hello, Preparedness! (It's the girl scout in me...)

As per the "name" situation: DON'T ASK. I'm turning prematurely gray with the stress of it all over here. I just can't seem to get my heart to SETTLE on one.
Lord have mercy! Like I said, I enjoy being
prepared. This whole naming fiasco has gotten that little Girl Scout inside of me into a screaming tizzy. It's hard to feel "ready" when there are visions of birth certificates with "That Baby" written in the blank dancing in one's head.
Arrrrgg! I think I'll go take another bath.