The hubby has been talking about starting a "cleanse" on the 2nd of September. Drinking nothing but lemon water with cayenne pepper and maple syrup in it for 10 days straight. He's doing it along with some other guy friends. It sounds like it would be good to do for me as well, but I am SUCH A WIMP when it comes to fasting or not eating for long periods of time. I've never done anything like it before.
I know that it would be good for me to do something healthy for my body... I've never been one to watch what I'm eating. I eat mostly junk. I've never dieted or gone any amount of time eating healthy. All of my friends seem to eat/cook pretty healthy and organic, while I can't seem to stop eating Hot Pockets and drinking Diet Coke. I really want to change this, but the thought of completely rearranging my eating habits feels really overwhelming, so I just never do anything about it. Maybe something like this cleanse would help me kick start a healthier lifestyle? I need something drastic to shake me out of my patterns, usually. This cleanse seems like it could be just that.
I think it would help me if I knew that the benefits of the cleanse would be worth the sacrifice of not eating for a while. And, (just like Operation: Grow Hair!) I would need a healthy dose of accountability to get me through it. Like, oh, I don't know, telling THE INTERNET I was going to do it. And then letting you guys know how the progress was going.
So, here's my question for you: Have any of you ever done a "cleanse" before? Was it WORTH it? How long did you do it for? Did you feel better after doing it? Or is all of this "cleansing" stuff just hype? A fad? A waste of time?
And, would you help me get through it if I committed to doing it by listening to my experiences and cyber-slapping me in the face when I speak of quitting and eating pie?
I eagerly await your testimonies or thoughts. I'm still not sold on the idea, so I'm anxious to hear what you all think.