February 28, 2010

Ezra's LEGO Birthday Party!

Ezra had the greatest 5th birthday party a couple of weeks ago- it was soooo much fun!

It was a Lego Party, and my brother Jared was kind enough to mail Ezra all his old legos from when he was a kid (we're talking squazillions of legos, here) which we set up on the stage as a big "Lego Play Area" so there was always something to do for everyone! (even the adult kids!) :)

We ate pizza, built and raced Lego cars, played 'Pin the Lego Tree on the Lego Island', busted open a piñata, and devoured minifigure cupcakes!

Big thanks to my friend Erin for taking all the pictures, and big thanks to my brother Jared for all the suhweeeeet legos!

(PS. I can't believe he's FIVE now. Weird.)


Andrea said...

Love it! What a great theme!

Anonymous said...

He must have felt like a KING ! Good for Ezra !

Mama said...

looks like so much fun, super mom!

Miss Mary said...

that looked pretty awesome, the kids were talking about it for several days

Candace said...

he is soooo big! i miss you guys...

Chelsea said...

wow. i can't believe he's five now either!

You did a great job on the party!

Anonymous said...

Uhhhh, that looks like the COOLEST party any 5 year old boy could ever dream of. I'll store that one away in my "good ideas to use later" file.

Happy Birthday Ezra!!!!


AmyC said...

What a great party! One of the many great things about boys are their legos....hours and hours of creative fun.

lorieloo said...

SO fun! Love the little lego guys on the cupcakes!

Stephanie said...

Looks like so much fun! Happy Birhtday Ezra!! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun! Hope Ezra had a great bday! You are so creative!

The Beckster said...

That's a very good idea for a birthday party - I might steal it in a few years!

Kerri Foster said...

LOVE the mini-guy cupcakes! And so fun cause they are party favors too! LOVE IT!! Good job on the theme, girl. Josh said, "Oh how sad I am that I wasn't there!" Awww....and Ezzie bug is now FIVE. Crazyness!!

katie said...

awesome party--legos are the greatest. =) i really like the little man's tweed cap, too. those are wonderful at any age, and even more adorable on little tykes.

zerry ht said...

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