Second- I'm having a name crisis.
Chris and I had pretty much decided on a certain name for this baby, even before we were pregnant, and were planning on using that name for a boy or a girl. We were so sure of it. But then, a few weeks ago, I started to research the name a bit and found out that it is one of the fastest growing names in popularity in the country.
Some people may say, "So what? You like then name- who cares how popular it is??" My answer: I DO. I care. And I know in the large, grand scheme of things, it really isn't that big of a deal, but I grew up with a unique name and I feel that it helped define me in some ways. I believe names are powerful. They have meaning and sway and significance on the life they define.
So, I've been on the hunt for possible substitutes ever since. I obsess. I always have my ears open. I think about it all the time.
(My mom told me recently she was the same way when it came to naming us, so I am chalking all of this up to GENETICS. heh.)
I was always told that my mom found my name while scanning the credits after the movie "On Golden Pond." I always felt a connection to this movie because of that, but I had never, ever actually seen it.

Well, last night I watched that movie and GUESS WHAT MOM? There was no 'Emery' in the making of that film. What movie were you watching?!?
Here's the other thing that is making this process difficult for us... When we chose Ezra's name, it was nothing short of EPIC. We felt that God had spoken the name directly into our ears and confirmed it by it being a family name without us even realizing it. There was no doubt in our minds about it. I had stressed for months before God spoke to us about the name Ezra, but as soon as I heard him say it, there wasn't any more doubt. We knew the search was over.
So.... now... this time around.... do we wait for that epic name reveal again? And if we don't have a similar experience this go 'round, will I be okay with that? Do I just pick one I like and go with it?
I'm confoosed.
Anywho. My brain has been hijacked. I know it will all turn out fine, but in the meantime? I'm going
girl, you waite for that name, God well give it to you, he has done it with both of mine and I am waiting for my third.......aheam, 4 more days! God has a name for everychild and he well name this one as well!
What was the other name? I agree, give them an interesting name, having the name Jessica, the like #1 of all times, gets boaring!
I am only 10 weeks along and I am ALWAYS looking/listening for names. I am having twins :) so I can't get enough. I feel like I'm a little crazy about it. Movie credits, baby magazines, CD's a big job, choosing a name. Good luck to you!
I feel the same way about names. I want something strong and unique - something with meaning behind it. If I had a name picked out and then heard that it was gaining popularity, I'd be doing the same thing.
It will come to you- just like it did with Ezra.
Well, it is a little weird to name a boy Rebecca (if it is a boy)...but you can use it. :)
i think no that as the baby grows you will learn his/hers personality and then you can give it a name. you will soon be able to tell if the baby will be outgoing, shy, timid, sporty, whatever based on their habits in you. i strongy feel that when the babies personality comes you will slowly stumble upon a name that you truly think fits.
i think ezras name suits him perfectly. he is unique and outgoing and vibrant and his name is all of those things. i'm betting that you knew all of this about him before he came out so when that name fell upon you, you just knew, yes that fits the little critter inside me.
for now come up with a fun nickname for him her
Emery, I love reading your blog right now! I am in my maternity nursing class and I love reading what you're going through and then reading it in my textbook or hearing about it in class. It's so fun. LOL! It's kind of weird though seeing as how I don't actually know you... weird. LOL Anyways... I'm nowhere even thinking about getting pregnant anytime within oh say... the next decade... but I think about baby names already. matt and I talk about them all the time if we hear one we like.. the most recent one was Silas. LOL
Well, I'm no help. We knew our first child's name - boy or girl - from the time we started dating. #2 didn't have a name till he was 4 days old. We named #3 when I was about 4.5 months pregnant, and #4 again didn't have a name until he was 4 days old. So - we stink at naming. It's SO HARD! It stays with them forever. We like unique but not weird. Ezra was actually on our list for #4 but it's getting very common where I live. Just keep praying about it, keep your eyes open during credits, books you read, Bible reading time, etc. God'll show you the right name. It might grow on you little by little or it might pop out as The One, but eventually, Baby will have the perfect name!
I feel for you. With our first we had two names picked out but really only one seemed to fit once we met her. The second was not as easy. We never did narrow it down but once she was born after a few hours of saying different names out loud her name just seemed to fit her just right. I hope that happens for you. I agree that naming is a BIG DEAL. It should not be taken lightly and I think as long as when your kid is older and asking you why you named them X you have a purpose and story to tell, then you chose well.
Good luck. I would be in the same place if a name became too popular, I can't stand that. I'll keep my ears open and send any ideas your way:)
It will TOTALLY come to you. It just will. Hal and I struggled with this baby's name and I was so wigged out over the whole thing because we felt the same way about "Archer" ... And then BAM! The baby kind of named herself. Just wait... Your babe will too.
the only reason people dont understand the feeling of needing a name to be their own is because they probably have a name that a million other people have. i get EXACTLY how you feel. naming arabella was the hardest thing in the world for me because i would always say how a name should only be one persons and seth would be like 'no... that's just you'... but i found her name and it was perfect. i had already decided i wanted a name that was long, pretty, started and ended with an a, meant something important and that was a little unique. arabella. this time i didn't mind very much and nola just came... it was in a book and it was also just what i was looking for, a sweet meaning (small bell), short, old fashioned, still a little unique. this baby's name will come and may not be as 'epic' as ezra but it will have its own way... you've got time. i didnt pick arabella until the very end...
p.s. people ALWAYS feel like they have to tell me who they know named arabella or nola and they dont get that it makes me not like the names a bit... if they acted like they'd never heard it i LOVE it.
Ouch ! After further thought, Dabney was on the list for girls names at the time. This is the name that came from On Golden Pond but was obviously not selected for our sweet Em. Hope you liked the movie anyway !! Emery did come from a credits screen, just not sure which one now...I believe it was Emery Parnell.
i was reading people's comments and then i remembered what you were writing about on your blog in the months preceeding this pregnancy. i'd say think about what this one means to you that is unique from your experience with your first, or maybe what makes it similar, or something that relates to the process God brought you through before this one...i keep thinking of your heart necklace, how that seemed like such a revelation for you...not saying you should name your baby "heart" know what i mean? i was so amazed reding your blogs how God was using the depression/pills/self searching stuff to seemingly heal and prepare you for this pregnancy...or...just something random you like. or another family name...who knows, maybe another family name will actually have personal significance to what you went through? ...i'm obsessed with names and naming too. with the possibility of adopting from jamaica, i knew since before this baby was born that i'd meet him and what his name would be, which is crazy right, but now my sister and i are having so much fun brainstorming for a middle one of our family names, or something from his culture, or something because of what it means in relation to what i went through with him as an infant last winter...
yeah. "hecka" long comment. oops
The way my parents chose my name was pretty boring - came right out of a list of names at the back of the dictionary. But I remember back when I was agonizing about choosing my pen name. I knew I wanted something unique and quirky, but couldn't think of just the right thing: it seemed beyond me to choose. So I was thinking about it in science class one day, and at that moment the teacher started talking about some obscure islands, and their name stood out to me like a red flag. It was like it just clicked, and that became my pen name.
I hope your experience is a little less... weird. But I'm sure the right name will come to you when and from where you least expect it.
Here's a site chock full of names and their meanings, if you need some inspiration...
We believe names are very important too. We studied names and prayed over them before we chose one for our babies.
We wanted one that remind them of their Heavenly Father and cause them to stive to live for him.
We wanted names that were unique, but we ended up with mostly Bible names.
But this new little one gets one that is a little more unique. BUt her first name means Wisdom and her middle name means God is gracious.
I agree that names matter - they are defining. And for my three babies they just came to us. My daughter's name came when I was reading about U2 in Rolling Stone magazine. The Edge's wife's name is Aislinn. That was it - as soon as I saw it my daughter was named!
My son is a jr, after his dad, and the next son has my husband's all-time favorite boy name with my maiden name for his middle name.
Good luck!!
I didn't have an epic reveal with Henry, more like a "settling-in" if you will. It was a name Scott loved and I scoffed at. But over time and as my belly grew bigger, it just became him. And by the end I think I loved Henry as a name more than Scott. But like you, after the fact we discovered that I have two great grandfathers named Henry.
So I would say wait, be patient, and maybe once you find out the sex it will help as well.
Is it weird that I'm SO excited to find out what's in all these bellies that are just EVERYWHERE??!!!=)
I'd be bummed too if the name I had pre-picked was becoming uber-popular! What a bust. Wait it out, the PERFECT name will come to you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels a bit clueless when it comes to a name for our little one. :) I really have NO CLUE this time. But I'm waiting to start really thinking about it (trying to, anyway) until after we know what we are having. It just makes the search that much narrower and easier.
I know you'll find a perfect name for your little one, whether it is revealed in some amazing way or simply jumps out at you from a book or something. And I can't wait to hear what it might be!!
hey emery! i tagged you on my blog.. check it out!
hehe since Ezra and your names both start with E, you should name the new baby something starting with C for Chris
Trust, if you wait on God he will provide that special name. Enjoy each day and don't stress about the name it will come. You are so talented and I know you will be blessed with a wonderful name. Love
Hi Emery, I just wanted to say don't put so much pressure and such high expectations on yourself. :-) It makes me sad when I talk to other moms and they tell me their child's name. Then, out of stupid-reflex, I say, "Oh I love that name! My best friend just named her baby that." OOOPS! What in the world was I thinking? It kills me that the mom is now sooo disappointed that she did not trademark the name for herself and that she does not have the only "Hudson" or "Eden" or "Zion" or whatever in the world. Its like I just ruined the name for them, but all I was trying to say was that I seriously LOVE the name. I'm trying to COMPLIMENT them, and all they heard was that their name got taken. I hope this is coming across right. You are naturally creative and beautifully artistic, just give your baby the name you love the most. The one that makes your heart beat. You can't go wrong. :-)
(sorry this is so long!)
Audrey K.
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