This quilt by Etsy Seller Nettiepete is my favorite at the moment.I'm also in love with this one:
Here.And, look at this wall decal!!
And, of course.... to wear:
could potentially go am going a little crazy over here. Your wonderful suggestions and links have been SUPER appreciated so far...
keep em' coming! Please! I promise to take lots of pictures along the way, but first we need to decide which bedroom all of this should be taking place in. Eventually, we will be moving the boys into the same room together, so we won't be doing anything MAJOR... unless you count wainscoting and painting as... you know... "major". heh. heh heh.
Wow! The collection is awesome. I like the first quilt more than the second one :)
I LOVE the wall decal!! Too perfect!
The wall decal and onsie are SO stinkin' cute I want them for myself...or my future children, whatever!
hi hi! ALWAYS trust etsy more than least that's my motto. I definitely love the first quilt more than the second. And the decal and outfit...of course too cute for words! : )
awesome! I am not goign to find out the sex of my baby so weare going to decorate the room in purple, green and white
Hi there, blog stalker here :) I'm actually anonymous from way back when who left the cruise/pregnant info. Anyways, just wanted to say that I'm doing my little girl's room in an owlish/bird theme too. I made my own little owl applique pillow and it was super easy and I think it turned out pretty cute. Love that you're doing a simple neutral quilt and I love the vivid colors in the first one! You seem to have great taste so I'm sure your little pumpkin's room will be precious.
the toile-ish print is very similar to what ellie had when she was a baby. i loved it. but i really like the first one.
yeah that wall decor is awesome--i forget about stuff like that and just paint--but that is way cuter than just a color on the wall! thanks for sharing all your cute, retro, Emery ideas!!
so, etsy is a new fun place for me and it makes me want to be crafty. unfortunately, God did not lavish that gifting upon me...not in the slightest. well, i can't help but notice everything 'owl' that is on there since you mentioned your nursery theme. so, here is another thing that made me think of you and your little bub:
oh, and this:
hope these aren't annoying! have a great day! :-)
Hi! I happened across your blog and saw that you're decorating your baby's room in owls. I did the same! It was a little harder when I was pregnant because the owls weren't as popular as they are now, but I still managed.
And since you live in OKC like me, maybe we can give eachother leads to places to find cool owl stuff.
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