Chris & his dad took Ezra to a lake outside of town this morning and they all went horseback riding. Ezra did wonderfully on the horse (with grandpa), and now he answers the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" with "a COWBOY" instead of his old stand-by of "a GOLFER".
I think I'll encourage him to combine his two dreams and take up Polo.
I carted myself out of the house and grabbed some coffee at Starbucks after the boys left. Then I headed over to the Goodwill, where I promptly found the PERFECT curtains for the baby's room closet doors. And they were only THREE DOLLARS. (I have also purchased a vintage crib quilt... made of amazing storybook fabric.)

The beginnings of a nursery.
After finding the curtains, I meandered over into the baby clothing and proceeded to CRY REAL TEARS every single time I looked at any Newborn sized onesies. I kid you not. This has been happening for the last 4 months or so. Every time I look at any mini-sized clothing, I CRY. I cry because my eyes play tricks on me and I can suddenly picture my squirmy little baby in my arms... wearing tiny little man clothes and drooling all over himself. This crying is, um, slightly embarrassing in public, so I have almost completely avoided looking at baby things at all.
I am going to be a MESS when we finally get around to getting all of Ezra's old clothes out of the attic. A total blubbering MESS.
Oh Emery - there is an AMAZING maternity and baby section at the boutique I work at that would probably kill you. It makes ME want to have a baby. I'm certainly getting you presents from there. xoxo.
CUTE quilt! Have fun decorating!
Awww...that is so sweet. Very soon the baby will be in your arms and in no time you will see him horseriding with Erza..that will bring tears too...out of love!!
Haha - I want that quilt - does it come in giant human size?
What a beautiful post! You nearly made me cry!
I am 9 weeks now so starting to look at all those baby things and I keep saying to myself,
'I'M going to have a BABY who will FIT into those TINY clothes?'
Beautiful nursery gear BTW
Hi Jo,
I had to write to you when I realised that there was another Jo Emery out there!
I am also Jo Emery and live in Melbourne, Australia. I have three beautiful girls. I work as a stylist for commercials and magazines.
Lovely to hear your story.
I think you dont truly appreciate the tiny-ness of it all the first time around. My girls are only a year old, and I was so tired, and just trying to make it through the day- that I blinked and their first bday is in a few weeks. Enjoy the little man!
so exciting. even if you cry through it all! :) just keep some kleenex in your pocket
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