March 8, 2012

The Many Months of Truman.

Tomorrow is my sweet baby Truman's birthday. I put together a twelve month montage like I did for Myer when he turned one.

This baby is perfection... the very antithesis of birth control. We adore him more and more each day we get to have with him.

My favorite thing on this earth right now is to watch him bounce on his chicken legs when music (of any kind) starts playing. I will have to try and get some video of it. You guys will DIE.

Without further ado, I present to you "The many months of Truman":

Oh, how we love you, sweet Trumie-doo!!! Thank you for making this life of ours ridiculously awesome. :)


  1. Gosh those big blues are irresistible!

  2. Gosh those big blues are irresistible!

  3. Sweet little thing! Happy birthday!!

  4. He is seriously SUCH a handsome little boy!!

  5. Happy Birthday Tru!!! We love you sooo much! Have a great first Birthday!

  6. Hapy Birthday Truman!! I cannot believe it's been a year!! Time flies!

  7. I'm with Beth - those big blue eyes! What a knockout!

    Happy birthday to the one and only Tru.

  8. Wow, he is so very precious!! Seriously a gorgeous baby...and definitely gives me a bit of "baby fever." :)

  9. 12 months of ridiculous cuteness, and many more to come =)

  10. he is SOOO freaking cute!!! ugh. I am so proud of you and what Truman represents on your life and all that growth! I remember as if it were yesterday, you speaking of your troubled heart through the pregnancy. I love your family.
    Happy Birthday Truman, you are beyond words of darling.

  11. Emery, you produce the most BEAUTIFUL children. Truman is just, ... breathtakingly cute.
