April 15, 2010

It's Grow Time.

I recently noticed (by the alarming number of consecutive days that I had worn a hat) that I have become completely exasperated by my hair. Another indication of this exasperation was the alarming number of consecutive days that I considered (No, REALLY considered) just shaving it off and being done with it.

Today I colored it- nothing drastic, just more of a blending of the roots with the ends- and it looks a whole heck of a lot better. (Too bad I didn't do it BEFORE family portrait day last week. GAR!&@^%!) Still, I am feeling the itch to change it up.

So, I'm growing it again. I have LOVED having it short this past year. And I will probably hack it off again in the future. But for now, it's grow time.

I'm just letting you all know... throwing it out there... so that you can maybe help me reach my goal like you did last time. Growing out short hair isn't easy.

"Haircountability". haha.

Crucial to such a daunting task as growing one's locks, no?



  1. I was once a pixie gal and the haircut always haunts me...like in a good way...it comes into my head and tells me "hey, I'm cute, I'm fashionable & unique not to mention low maintenance...so let's get obsessed with me again, shall we?"

  2. I'll help ya out! I've been trying to grow mine out for the last two years. It grows incredibly slow and it's frustrating. I need about another 5 inches or so before I'll be satisfied. Let's do this!

  3. I'm growing out my hair too! I used to (read: age 13) have very long hair, mid-back, I cut it off to donate it and never looked back. It just got shorter and shorter (read: tons of pixie cuts), but I've been growing it out since August, and it's the longest it's ever been! We'll keep each other accountable. :)

    I'm also due for a re-coloring... my roots be showing something fierce. I'm debating whether to do another in-home sink job or actually splurge for like, Master Cuts.

  4. everytime I tell myself that I'm gonna grow out my hair I always only last until April/May - when it gets super hot. Then I have my aunt (she's a hairstylist) chop it all off. I haven't had hair really past my shoulders since I was probably in grade school.

    good luck though! I'm sure you (and all the girls above) will be stronger than I ever was.

  5. hey I happen to be growing too! I'm right there with you. :) Can't wait to see your new styles as you go...your hair grows wicked fast so a new style will hit in no time!

  6. I shaved my head in Jan. and it's growing out now...faster than I thought it would. Now I just look like a chia pet, but i'm trying to grow it out a bit more and then do something cute to it. For now i'm just stuck looking like a boy. haha.

  7. I'm with you too! I've been growing mine out from a longish pixie since November. My best friend/stylist went on maternity leave and it seemed like a good time to change things up. Having a super hard time not chopping it all off again! But I've grown it out to chin length from a pixie before, so I know it's possible. I can't decide how long I want it eventually, but we'll just keep chugging along for now! Good luck with the willpower!

  8. "Women grow their hair to cut it, and cut it to grow it out." I can't remember which famous hair stylist said this, but he was dead on. I cut my really long hair last year (it was yucksters) and now I'm trying to get it long again, but also keep it healthy and purty. It's really curly, so it's a challenge to keep it nice.
    I'm all in for the grow-out! Looks like you've got lots of company. :)

  9. Good luck I am pretty sure that my hair will be less than an inch long forevermore because I am so averse to the growing out stage. However, if you don't own a pair of thinning shears, they are really great for adding texture to growing out hair, if you are a DIY kind of haircutter. These scissors have a funky blade that is serrated so it only cuts every other mm and leaves hair untouched in between. Here's what they look like:
