April 18, 2010

Blossom & Bloom.

Oh, these boys.

Ezra is so compliant and is always expressing his love through comparison. For example, today he told me he loves me bigger than any planet in the whole wide world. haha.

Myer is so sweet and quiet and coy... he makes me smile so much that my face hurts at the end of the day. Also, I can't stop kissing those apple cheeks. Monch monch.

And, my husband. He is so patient and gentle and compassionate... I long for the day when I can be more gentle and vulnerable towards him too. I am working hard to get there, because he is so very, very worth it. It is not easy. It's harder than I ever thought it would be, but the cost seems trifling when I consider what our love will be once I drop this baggage I've carried with me all these years and wrap my unencumbered arms around him completely.

That day is coming soon, I can feel it.

And when it does, we will all blossom and bloom.


  1. Wow, that is so beautiful and honest. You.are.amazing.

  2. Fabulous.

    And yes, Myer has some rad cheeks.

  3. those boys are getting too big! i remember when i first started reading your blog Ezra was a little tiny baby!! i feel like i've gotten to know your family through your blog, seeing how you've all grown and what you go through, and your complete honesty in your writing is inspiring. I truly admire your family. :-)

  4. Indeed!!!! I can't wait to see all your adorable faces oh so soon!

  5. I just stumbled upon your recording of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas and just wanted to let you know that I love it. More recordings soon? :)

    PS - your boys are wonderful!

  6. Emery, I was reading blogs this morning and came upon this post featuring the most adorable tipi village-- then I came over to catch up on your blog and after seeing this picture of your kiddos I just felt the need to share this with you:


    Hope these little tents make you smile as big as they made me smile!
