The theme will be an understated one, with more of a vintage-y feel... coming more from little objects in the room than any blaring bedding or wall decor...
They are my favorite animal and I am just getting this "feeling" that it will suit this little mister well. Here are some things that I already have around the house that will make great additions:

Beyond this, maybe a couple more vintage owl prints for the walls and an amazing stuffed owl or two along the lines of these:

For the bedding, I'm thinking solid cream or white with a vintage quilt to top it all off.
Simple. Clean.
You know... totally hoot-tastic.
Fantastic! Sounds like a perfectly cute place for your pumpkin to sleep and become himself. :)
thats a wonderful idea do post some pics when ready. have a happy time :)
so yeah, that first owl stuffed thing, when it pulled up on my monitor only half of the pic was showing and it looked like giant stuffed boobs...HA! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE OWLS THOUGH!
I adore the owl theme!! I was just looking at a baby quilt - has owls, is on sale, very cute. - search Woodland Quilt.
That is the most PERFECT quilt I could imagine. But there is only PINK left!! AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!
Sister-in-law of Cameron and Anna. He showed me your blog and i love reading it :) I love this nursery theme. So cute and different!
The owls are cute. They symbolize wisdom, so that's a nice idea to impart to your little one. I'm doing vintage-y too, with a handmade quilt and handmade baby clothes, rug and wall hangings, mostly made by my grandmother and aunt. The pre-packaged baby decor was cute the first time around but I'm having more fun putting it together as I go this time.
Make sure to take lots of pics for us! Can't wait to see how it turns out.
You know, I could make you a quilt!! If you pick out material I could make you something nice and purty!!
read twilight
Super-cute! I'm sure you can find lots lots more decor...I see owls everywhere lately. I just got the cutest sock monkey on Etsy for a friend. Perhaps she makes owl blankets too. pearl25 was the seller.
i love this idea.
so exciting for you!
none of my friends here are having babies...but more are getting married so that's fun too...
Love the owls. My little guy is wearing an owls bib as I type this! There is just something about them.... I got an owl pendant as a gift recently, and whenever I wear it, I always get a few comments. People are just drawn to owls for some reason. The big eyes, maybe? They are certainly hoot-tastic.
Very cute. And very fitting for you. :)
Have you tried google? I did and found the quilt but it's almost double the price from Red :(
Good luck!
saw this today and thought of you: there's one called "hootie ya love". too cute.
dang it. i also found this: and this: plus much more where those came from. okay, i'll stop now. can you tell that i love your theme idea? ;)
Wow, I totally fell in love with that stuffed owls. I love your idea to decorate a room for a baby like this - usually moms are all about 'cute' and 'kitsch'. But this is just beautiful and heartwarming.
Hi Emery, you probably already saw this:
I couldn't help but think of your last post... :-)
Thanks for posting links to etsy. Its been a long time since I've visited there, and I missed it! Just found my son's halloween costume there, which coincidentally led me to the link that I posted for you. Love your nursery theme. I only wish I could be so creative and thoughtful. Have a great night. :-)
okay, so i said i was done, but i'm on an rss feed for this blog called kidshaus ( and they keep coming up with owl stuff, so i keep thinking of you...
what a GREAT IDEA. It is almost too cute for words. I cannot wait to see it all put together!! And now, every time I see owls, I will think of you and your sweet baby. LOVE IT!
It is so funny that you love owls.
I really love owls. I think I like them so much because my Grandma had them all over her house when I would go visit I just thought they were so neat. I can't wait to see how the room turns out you are so creative. Love Mom 2
*sigh* Extremely envy of your artistic ability setting in over here. I never would have thought of something like this. So, so cute.
I'm about to redecorate my apartment when my new roommates move in, and I'm dreading it because I never know what to get.
I am SO addicted to all things OWL right now so I LOVE this idea! So fun :)
Nice theme for kid's room, will try it personally.
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