March 10, 2008

A Silent Ultrasound.

SO MUCH has happened this week.

  • I went to the doctor. She gave me anti-depressant medication. I still don't know how I feel about that, and still haven't fully committed to taking the things. (More on this later.)
  • I had a pelvic ultrasound. It went well except for the fact that something deep in my gut kept hoping to hear a heartbeat-- I've never had a silent ultrasound before and it was eerie and too quiet. But everything looks good- I am healthy.

  • Our friends Casey and Debra drove through Oklahoma City on their way to North Carolina and they stayed with us one night. It was so amazing to see them again- and their little boy Nehemiah is the cutest thing on two legs. I wish they lived closer... they are such sweet people and we loved having them- brief as it was. We love you guys!
  • Chris nearly cut off his finger on Thursday with a rotating saw while at work. He was sent to a hand specialist because his livelihood as a musician depends upon that finger and they didn't want to take any chances. He's got a lot of stitches. It is a miracle because he didn't hit any arteries, tendons, or bones somehow. This is crazy because he dropped the saw down lengthwise on top of his pinky finger. How do you not hit any BONES? He has felt very minimal pain. He's not even taking any Advil or anything. (God is good.)
  • We had a guest, Andrea, staying with us this weekend. She has come and gone and it was so good to have her here again. Thanks for coming Andrea!! We heart you. (Sorry for all the craziness!)
  • Chris and I took a whirlwind trip up to Kansas City just to get away from all the madness for a day. Our dear friends took Ezra for a couple of days and then we drove the 5 hours on Friday, went to the Khrusty Brothers CD release show (AMAZING), and then we stayed the night with the same family that took us in last time we were up there. In the morning we grabbed some coffee at our favorite coffee shop in the whole wide world, spent some time perusing a bookstore, and then made the necessary stop at the Urban Outfitters before heading home. It was a great and much needed trip.

    My legwarmers came with me.

    Kansas, she is flat.

    I LOVE the way he looks at me.

  • Chris' wallet went missing yesterday. We were convinced it had been stolen out of the garage at some point during the day, but then this morning Chris found his gloves laying by the side of the main road not far from our house. We are thinking maybe the wallet got left on the top of the car (along with the gloves) after Chris took it to the carwash and flew off at some point between there and the house. Now we are anxiously waiting to see if someone turns it in or contacts us about finding it. (Please Jesus.)
  • Ezra woke up at 3AM this morning puking his guts out. He continued to throw up all night long. He seems okay so far today- maybe a bit of a fever, but no throwing up as of yet. I AM SOOOOOO OVER ALL OF THIS SICKNESS.
  • The silver lining: Chris' mom is flying into OKC tomorrow to spend a week with us. We cannot wait... I have a feeling an extra pair of hands is just what we will need this week. Life seems to be running too fast for us to keep up.
I will unpack some of this stuff more later... I just needed to get it all off of my mind because it was all piling up so quickly that I couldn't even see straight. I am grateful for your listening ears today.


  1. Good for you on going to the doctor.
    Just know that anti-depressants are to "reset" the chemicals in your brain. There is not a stigma anymore for taking meds. I had to take them for a few months and now I'm fine. I don't have to take them all the time, but I know my doctor does. Weird, huh?
    Just take them and see how you feel. If it doesn't work for you, then at least you tried that avenue.
    God bless.

  2. are you sure that was all in one week, and not really a whole MONTH?? That's craziness!! Whew. I got exhausted just reading it. :)

    Praying for you.

  3. Don't worry about it, Emery, I was glad just to get to see you guys. I am praying for Chris's wallet to turn up and for Ezra to feel better.
    Thanks again for putting me up! I <3 you guys, too!

  4. About the anti-depressants: Almost everyone I know is on some form of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety med these days...including myself.
    I struggled with it at first, so I know how you feel. I would tell myself, "I don't need drugs to be happy. I just need to be closer to the Lord. I can get my happiness from HIM. If I can't, then there must be something wrong spiritually." It took me a while to get my head around the fact that it's OKAY to take the meds. That God put doctors here to help us. AND the wonderful scientists, etc who created the Prozac that helps me get thru my days anxiety free. =) Does that make any sense?

  5. i love your new picture :) i also very much like being updated on your life, and very much appreciate the times you've given me advice. i know we are just blog-y friends, but our hearts our tied together because we are in the body of christ :) praying for you that God will bless you with whatever you need because he knows before you even do!

  6. just popping in to say, I read all your posts although I don't comment often, I love your side ponytail, you look really cute in those pictures, and I really hope you're doing okay- sorry to hear that you have to go on meds, but they'll probably be the best thing for you at this moment in time and just know you don't have to be on them forever. And also know that you're doing a much better job at this whole life thing than you may think, and you can get through anything.

  7. I hope you write about your struggle about the meds. I do. I am on some -- I started them last fall -- and I really struggled with them. It wasn't a spiritual issue so much as a control issue. If the meds didn't work or made me crazier, I felt things would be that much more confusing.

    The first week I was on them was HORRIFYINGLY HORRIBLE, but after that I've been fine.

    Except for this twitch I get every now and then...


  8. when I was a preschool teacher I used to say that at circle time every day, "I am grateful for your listening ears today."

    That was a lot for a week...seems when it rains it pours. I'll be praying. I will say I was given meds and decided not to take them, long story but I'm thankful I didn't now, that isn't to say you shouldn't, cause you know this is your story God's writing, not mine.
    much love

  9. I can totally relate. I think in times like these it's important to go to sleep immediately! Seriously, get some rest, I hope things continue to work out with the missing wallet and such. Thinking of you~ Cam

  10. I hope you guys get the wallet back.

    I haven't seen leg warmers in forever! haha!

  11. Again your honesty is inspiring. Saying a prayer this morning for you and your family.

  12. I agree get some much easier to sort life if you're rested.

  13. hey maybe this will make you feel better.

  14. we just got over the throw up thing. we've graduated to the fever thing.
    as for the anti-depressant, I carried the scrip for it around for three months before I took it to be filled. I just liked knowing I had it. In the end I committed to talk therapy once every two weeks and no pills but it feels good to see them in the medicine cabinet. Just in case.....

  15. Wow, Emery. I'm glad you are all healthy inside. Can't believe little Ezra is sick again. Sheesh, poor guy. So glad Chris' mom is coming. Awesome. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help!

  16. Wowzers!

    Glad Chris kept his finger!

    Hang in there!!!


  17. I love your new photo and leg warmers. Glad you went to the doctor. Even if the meds dont work out, hopefully something will help.

  18. Love your leg warmers!!

  19. To all Khrusty Brothers fans:
