July 21, 2011


02. Buckets of never-ending possibilities.  #1000thanks
02. buckets of never-ending possibilities

I've been working on a little project that has the potential to change my achy and weary existence into a straight-up disco ball of multi-faceted joy.

03. Tools of the trade.  :)  #1000thanks
03. tools of the trade

It is nothing fancy, by any means. Quite the opposite, actually! It is a daily photo diary of clumsy gratitude. Gratitude that I hunt for in the wild, unexplored jungles of the mundane.

04. The pockets of quiet.  #1000thanks
04. pockets of quiet

I'm learning to slow the shutter speed of my life. To hold still and capture more light. To gather up the things for which I am thankful.

07. Candy in the morning.  :)  #1000thanks
07. candy in the morning

I am DONE with discontentment and grumbling. I am DONE with believing that this life I have, this God I serve, are not good enough.

09. Library loot!  #1000thanks
09. library loot

I have been rescued!! What kind of a story would it be if the damsel in distress turned to the prince and said, "Thanks for saving me and all, but where are you taking me and when will we get there and my feet hurt and I need some alone time and where is my castle and it is TOO HOT here and I didn't ask for this and I'm tired of picking up after you all the time!" The End.

11. Truman, the champion sleeper. #1000thanks
11. truman, the champion sleeper

A story like that would need another chapter. One in which the damsel in distress becomes a delectable dragon treat. Nom nom.

13. Clouds that make you crave marshmallows.  #1000thanks
13. clouds that make you crave marshmallows

I am already finding that behind this slowed, deliberate thankfulness, there are deep oceans of joy. Joy that has been whizzing by unnoticed! Oh, I mourn those lost moments... the ingratitude... the feeling like the world owed me something. If it owed anyone anything, it was Jesus, the God-Man, who hung and poured Himself out to make a way. The rescuer who deserves all thanks in ALL moments, against whom alone I have grumbled and followed with shuffling feet.

14. The joy of reading.  #1000thanks
14. the joy of reading

I am proud of these images that I am gathering. Not because of any composition or "wow factor", but because they are clumsily captured fragments that make up the whole of this life that I've been given. They are an offering. They are an ebenezer. They are a grateful remembrance.

May I never forget again.


Feel free to follow along and join in using whatever platform you prefer. Let me know here if you do! I am using Instagram (and Flickr), user name emeryjo and hashtag #1000thanks.


  1. Good for you foe seeking the positive, during a rough patch. Honestly... I bet that heat has a lot to do with it, I would be....so bitter. You're a sweet girl doing a ROCKSTAR job at raising those gorgeous boys!! Keep your chin up, high.

  2. This is lovely!! I need to do this more! It is a great way to reflect back on the great lives that we live! Your children are adorable! I love the canopy bed! I also have a question, at what age did you introduce all those legos to your kids? I want to try and introduce the legos, but I think my 2 1/2 year old will get too frustrated and just cry the entire time of anger and frustration!

  3. Love this post. Even those of us who are of the less than religious kind can get something out of it. Thank you!


  4. Just joined in on IG and will be blogging them every friday!!! Xoxo!!!

    IG - mamablueberry

  5. Truman doesnt even look like a real baby. He's too perfect to look real. It's his eyes and perfect milky white skin.

    * gets me excited for fresh, pure baby skin in a few short weeks!!!!!

  6. Love this. I i will def be joining along via twitter.

  7. 1000 gifts changed me hugely. A beautiful reconnection with the beauty and thankfulness held even in a soap bubble. love this.

  8. I'm super excited to join you in this. Yay for you sharing your inspiration :)

    Gratitude is the cure for every funk!


  9. i like to check your blog - will you be posting your pics here on the regular?

    I agree with Chelsea in regards to the absolute perfectness of Truman. He looks as though he came from a very special place.

  10. I love 1000 gifts too. It's an encouraging reminder to be thankful for the little things. I love your post

  11. I love this post. Thanks for never failing to have some piece of wisdom that makes this life of motherhood so much brighter!!!

  12. This is such a wonderful and inspiring idea!

  13. I have done this before, not with photographs but with making a point to notice beauty in whatever moment I find myself in, whether it's the way the light caresses the stack of dirty dishes next to the sink or the soft sounds of pages turning as my child reads next to the pile of laundry I am folding. Just taking the time to notice the beautiful little details makes such a huge difference in my outlook on life.

  14. your house is too cute. seriously your bedroom is ridiculous. please move here for a week and decorate my whole house

  15. thank you so much for posting this.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this. Using instagram to count one thousand gifts = genius. I've tried (and tried again) to get in the habit of writing down a list of thankfulness but journals get neglected at my house and papers get lost or colored on or chewed on. This just may work. :) Thanks. Oh and those are a pretty cute group of boys you've got there!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm starting my own journey through the book and am loving reading about how this journey has changed other peoples' lives. Thanks for sharing your story; I hope I can reach others through mine as well!! :)
