June 10, 2011

A Summer Photo Journal.

This Summer, there have been...



...contemplative staring out of windows...

...wearing things...

...baby joys...

...(extremely brief) times of rest...

...(extremely loud) times of play...


...tornado scares...

(i could french kiss this tornado shelter right now.)

...and precious introductions.

things have been CRAZY now that the boys are out of school,
and I would be lying if I didn't mention the fact that I have been thisclose to a mental break-down or two(hundred),
but all-in-all, things have been very sweet around these parts.

The boys start up their Summer programs next week, and things should be getting back into more a routine after that!

This here mama can't WAIT.



  1. Your family is adorable. I love Ezra's haircut!

  2. I just love your hair! And your boys are so precious.

  3. yay, a post. i'm so excited to see all your new pictures. so cute.

    the tornados terrify me. i'm glad you have a safe spot.

    now that finn is home from school, i am adjusting too, ha.

  4. What fun pictures!
    I really, really, really love that one of Myer at the window. It's so profesh. Your summer looks really great so far!

  5. You have such a lovely family! Very nice photos.

  6. LOVE this post. It's funny, I randomly thought "I haven't read Emery's blog in awhile...wonder how she's doin..." and here you are! Looking as lovely as ever with your sweet fam :)

  7. That closing picture of you two is AMAZING. I've been checking back over here for new entries but it looks like you are probably super duper busy with three little ones to post as much as you used to. I hope you are getting some rest! I always love to read your posts.

  8. that last photo is amazing and i love those leopard shorts!


  9. Love the pictures. That is one cute baby!

  10. looks like you have been having a crazy busy but fun summer so far. i love, love, love your hair. you look cute as always!
