May 17, 2011

The Now & Here.

Truman had a check-up today and he is doing so well! He weighs 12 lbs now and is at 50% for weight, 80% height, and %50 head size.

He has also been officially diagnosed as being "cuter than a cabbage patch doll" by all the nurses. :)

He is such a sweet baby... he smiles and laughs much more than the other boys did at this age, and he is content almost all the time. And he's sleeping 5-6 hours at a time at night! glory hallelujah.

He has been so so pleasant that it is almost dangerous... if all babies were this easy I would probably have about 5 more. hahahaha.

He has also started rolling over from belly to back. He (as well as my other boys) has always slept waaaaay better on his tummy, so all of my kids have been tummy sleepers from the first few weeks on. (collective gasp!) Yet lately, when I go to check on him in his crib, he's sprawled out on his back and gurgle-giggling at the blanket hanging on the side of his crib.

Cuteness explosion.

I am really getting the hang of being a 3 kiddo mommy, although I know a lot of that has to do with the caliber of help I have around me. My mother-in-law swings by my house and takes Ezra to school for me every single morning, meaning I don't have to get all three kids loaded up in the car before 8 AM every day. UH-MAZING. My husband pitches in and handles most of the bedtime routine for the older boys while I nurse Truman in the evenings. And Ezra's school as well as Myer's Mother's Day Out program are complete and total lifesavers.

I fear the long Summer that is approaching, though. No school! All heat all the time! Lil' ol' me VS. three balls of energy! (One of which is allergic to the outdoors and possibly the sun!) LORD HALP ME. (I'm gonna need it.)


  1. So cute! You are really an inspiration..I can barely handle my 2 labs and 2 cats!! Love reading your journey!



  2. he is darling. you are doing great! i needed a ton of help with my 3rd and 4th too! it's a group effort:)

    sorry about the possible sun allergy. no fun. hope all tuns out ok!

  3. While all your hypothetical kids may not be this easy, I guarantee all of them would be the cutest things anyone has ever seen. I've got data on 3/5 to prove it.

  4. Can you believe the babies are already 10 weeks! Yikes! Time is flying. I stand and applaud you for having the energy to chase three little boys around! I am exhausted at the end of the day with just one little girl! Truman is just precious!


  5. I love love love the Jedi master in training outfit! So freaking sweet!! :). God really blessed you!

  6. You and your boys are so adorable I almost can't stand it. You seem so happy Emery! God bless. :-)

    He is cuter than a doll!

  7. That Jedi Master outfit is beyond cute. Where did you get it? Thrifted or new?

    Your blog is giving me hope that it's possible to have more than one child and still remain sane, I'm one of 7 kids so I should have more faith that it can be not just 'doable' but also wonderful. We just are starting to get back to some resemblance of normal life now that our son is almost three and I'm scared of entering the pregnancy zone / sleepless nights routine all over again BUT nothing is better than siblings and big families & your blog is an awesome reminder of that!

  8. truman looks so much like your hubby! ;)

    I feel like life would be SO much harder without my mother in law's help and undying devotion to Conrad. If i lived in a town without family, it would be really hard!

    Kudos to you for all of your hard work with 3.

  9. rebekah- i got it at the babyGAP a few weeks ago! it's made by the brand 'Junkfood'. :)

  10. his eyes are stunning! He is so darling Emery! and great job!

  11. Jedi onesie?! Basically amazing.

    Hey, are you doing another Spring/Summer fashion week??

  12. Hey are you guys ok (after the tornados?) Post something please to let us know you're alright! Praying for you and everyone affected.

  13. I'm very glad to see he's on track for the height/weight to be a Jedi. :)
