August 11, 2010

10 days, 10 years, First Day, 8 Weeks.

After 10 days in the most beautiful place in the world, WE'RE BACK! Getting home was somewhat of an adventure... we woke up at 3:45AM to catch a plane in Las Vegas at 7:00AM, but there was crazy construction at the airport and I missed my flight. They told me to rush over to another gate and try for standby on a different plane which would take me to San Antonio and then to Dallas and then eventually to Oklahoma City.

Needless to say, it was a looooong day full of baby wrestling and nausea and cramped spaces... just me and two wild children. It went as smoothly as it could have though, and I must say that Southwest Airlines is a ROCKSTAR. They took very good care of my frazzled self.

After arriving home I took a bath and fell into bed and slept for most of the day. Chris went and located my bag later that evening, and ever since then I have been in total decompress mode.

One of the really cool things I got to do while I was in Utah was go to my 10 year high school reunion. My parents were kind enough to watch the boys and I drove over to Reno and got to stay with my oldest brother Jared and see lots of friends I haven't seen in ages!! It was so much fun, and I was able to actually find a dress that somewhat covered my awkward 2 month pregnant gut without being frumpy. Bonus!

(I stole these photos from my facebook friends. mwarharhar.)

It was a blast! I am sad to think that it may be another 10 years before I see some of these people again.

So, in other big news, Ezra starts KINDERGARTEN tomorrow. All day every day kindergarten! I am so excited for him, and I know it is just what he needs at this point in his life. He is a BUSY kid that needs to be entertained 24/7, which.... I am no good at. So I know it will be good for us both. We get to go meet his teacher later this evening. How cute! I can't wait.

As for the pregnancy, I feel mostly good. I'm a little shy of 8 weeks along and I am feeling a bit more nausea each day. Blerg. When I was in Utah I was so so so exhausted I could barely do anything, but I know these things just come with the territory. I've had a few freak-out moments of wondering if I am a strong enough woman to juggle three small children, but now that I am back home with my amazing husband, I am remembering that I won't be alone in it all. I have a wonderful community around me and help is never more than a phone call away, praise God.

I can do this. What an amazing gift three children will be!


  1. just popping in to say hello! your boys are so cute and i love reading your blog! Congrats on your pregnancy! I just found out I am pregnant with #4, 7 weeks along. So, I'm right there with ya!!

  2. Yay EZRA!! I can't beleive Josh will be in all day Kindergarten either! Both my babes will be in school all day. Sheesh. My world is about to change! So glad you had a great time on your vaca! Thinking of you tons!! xoxo

  3. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that it has really been 10 years since high school. I am bummed that I didn't make it Saturday night because I would have loved to see you!!! You are absolutely beautiful!

    I am sure Ezra did wonderful at school. I can't wait to hear how he enjoyed. The best is when they come home and tell you all about the class, friends, teacher, recess.

    8 goes by so quick it seems. I am so happy for you. Sorry about the sicky feeling, but nice to know it changes. I hope it doesn't get bad. And don't stress about 3, you are an amazing mom. You got this! :)

  4. That's right girlie! You are an amazing Mama. What a blessed bunch you have.

  5. it's cool to see that you've got such a cool attitude about everything. That's awesome. I feel like the throwing up was the worst part of pregnancy. i threw up everyday, multiple times, for the first 6 months. it was rough. I hope you wont be sick like that!

    Yippee for Ezra! What a big guy he is! How fun! Keep us posted on how he does with everything!
