May 17, 2010

The Craziest Thing I've Ever Experienced.

Seriously. It felt like the Armageddon. The wind was loud. The hail was deafening. Car alarms, house alarms, emergency sirens echoing through the neighborhood, kids squealing, husband hollering and jumping, glass breaking....

It only lasted about 5 minutes, but DANG.

We were watching our neighbor's kiddos when the storm hit, and it was quite the challenge to try and keep them all safely on the couch while trying not to spook them more than they were already spooked. Poor sweet munchkins! When it was all over, though, they were fascinated and excited- not scared. So that was good.

The storm troopers!

Our roof needs to be replaced. Our cars are both totaled, as far as we can tell. There are hundreds of huge golf ball sized dents on every square inch of them and the windshields are cracked. Some of our storm windows got busted. And our neighborhood is covered in leaves and branches and debris.

It was completely thrilling and awe inspiring.

God is big. And we are... not.


  1. Yikeees! Storm troopers indeed! I was afraid of storms/hail/green skies/thunder/lightning when I was little. I remember the sounds like they happpened yesterday. Glad you all were safe!

  2. Wow. That is some HAIL, alright. I remember storms like that when I lived in Oklahoma!

  3. wow. that's C-RAZY! I'm glad you all are ok.

  4. Both your cars are totaled?! I'm glad you guys were safe. Good grief!

  5. That is so crazy! I am glad you and your family are safe.

  6. That is some crazy weather. I think I would freak a little x

  7. I can't believe ALL that happened in 5 minutes!! Big indeed.
    Glad you're all safe.

  8. Wow! That is incredible. I'm so sorry you have so much damage to repair but glad you all remained safe.

    Hopefully those dents can be popped out easily and the windshields replaced on your cars. What a mess!

  9. uh, I'm sure it's frustrating to look at all that damage. But I love how you can look from that, right to God.

    I know it's been said before, but... that hail is HUGE!!

  10. This is so crazy! Amazing how much can happen in such a moment's time!

  11. Wow! Storm troopers- so cute. Lovely blog. :)
    nicole visiting from

  12. Crazy!! We had some like that one year in Minnesota and I'm not sure how it worked out (I was young), but my sister got a check from the government to get her car fixed. I don't really know why or where it came from or how she got it....and I'm not sure why the government would take responsibility for the weather...

  13. OMG! That is absolutely terrifying! I have never in my life seen hail balls that size, that is insane! wow...I hope everything goes smoothly & quickly when it comes to getting your cars and home taken care of, I know that can be a huge pain. I'm glad you are all ok!

  14. That is some big, not-messing-around hail. Wow. I hope the house and the cars get taken of quickly and easily.

  15. Hi. I wanted to, um, introduce myself. kind of. I'm Kiersten. I'm pregnant. I just Googled "20 weeks pregnant" for some pictures of bellies (to see if my belly was on-par with other people's progress, size-wise, I mean). That got me to your blog, where I then looked at some of your pregnancy archive stories from when you were preggo with your #2. All of this to say, some of the things you wrote have been an answer to prayer. This is my first pregnancy (planned and we're very excited), and I've had the hardest time feeling any sort of connection to this little person growing inside me. Not that I've gone out of my way to get to know him/her. I just always thought it would come naturally. Also, I want the sex of the baby to be a surprise when he or she is born. So after reading about how you and your husband planned ahead (with those "It's a..." cards) for your own little gender-celebration and how it helped you connnect to your baby so much... just reading that I'm not the only one who didn't feel totally connected right away lifted a HUGE amount of guilt from my heart. I needed to hear/read something like that. God provides in the strangest ways sometimes. So I apologize for totally blog-stalking you. I'll bet you never thought your blog would serve a purpose like this, huh? But thank you thank you!
    and I think we'll find out the sex next week at our appointment after all.
