April 27, 2010


cardigan & belt & skirt- thrifted
shirt- old Urban Outfitters
Shoes- Report from Ross

This has been such an emotionally draining couple of weeks, and I have felt like I was on the verge of losing all patience with my boys for the past couple of days as a result of feeling so 'tapped out'. So, today after I dropped them off at school I decided to just make some time for myself. Usually when the boys are in school I clean or run errands or work, but today I decided to not feel guilty about just doing... nothing.

On the agenda:
  • Wander around in Barnes & Noble and drink yummy coffee. Read 'Practicing the Presence of God' by Brother Lawrence on my Nook for free on B&N's wifi. (Have I told you how much I LOVE my nook?!)
  • Come home and take a bubble bath. In the middle of the day. Because... why not?
  • Curl up on my bed and finish watching 'Walk the Line'.
  • Eat salt & vinegar chips like there's no tomorrow.
  • Dress cute.
  • Pick up the boys.
  • Go to the park or the zoo for a bit.
  • Have an afternoon dance party.
  • Eat dinner, put the boys to bed, and then watch LOST.

I think I'm feeling much better already... it is good to rest every now & again. :)


  1. That sounds like a perfect day. I hope its going well! You're right, it's good to rest every now and again. That's why God made Sunday a sabbath... because we NEED time for rest and time for Him.

  2. I don't want to crush your day, but I think Lost is a rerun tonight. They're supposed to be re-airing the episode about Richard. I KNOW! It's awful, isn't it? But at least you'll be dressed cute! And next week's episode is supposed to be super fantastically awesome to make up for it.

  3. Britt- a rerun?!? oh, the humanity!! ah, well. i believe I will survive. (But just barely.)


  4. That sounds like a really good day!

  5. Good for you Emery! It's sooo hard to take that much needed time for ourselves. I'm struggling hard core with it myself. The funny thing is, I know that I'm a better women, wife and mother when I do! Maybe I haven't figured out what 'me time' looks like since having a baby... Anyways, I appreciate your honesty and for letting us into your heart on this blog. And, your boys are uber cute!

  6. love the outfit.

    I too have needed a break like that.

    I'm grateful for my mother in law who takes conrad at least once a week for me, and those mid-day bubble baths are legit.

    Good for you mama, you need it!

  7. you're adorable! and your day sounds perfect :)

  8. Love the long skirt! You look cute and very put-together. Hope you day was as good as you planned!

  9. Your relax day sounds very much like my "me days". I love reading your blog so much! It is so encouraging to me. I actually found your pregnancy blog when I was pregnant and from there ended up her....anyways. You have a beautiful family!

  10. I also allowed myself a day much like this last week. And actually everyday my "coffee on the back porch" serves as my mini-day off.

    And I'm so torn between the Nook and a Kindle...decisions decisions.

  11. Everyone needs a day like that once in a while! Sounds amazing! :)

  12. I discovered salt and vinegar almonds on Wednesday (peanut free) Holy divine batman!
