January 9, 2010

The Many Months of Myer.

My BABY is turning one in a couple of days, so I thought I'd put together a little photo tribute of his yummy face.

You know, for the good of all mankind.

This baby right here has been a springboard into deeper pools of joy than I ever knew existed.

Myer Elliot. Our baby sunbeam with cherries on top.

Oh, how we love you so!!


  1. Perfection! What a beautiful, happy boy! And so lucky to grow up in such a loving family.

  2. Happy birthday Myer!!! However: I am sooo sad. I feel like it was just yesterday that you had the moment on the blog for Ezra! Time flies.

  3. adorable!!!
    happy Birthday little Myer!!!

  4. Ahhh! Such a scrumptious face. Good golly. Can't believe he's a year old almost.
    Thank you for sharing his amazingness with us.
    I can tell you love your boys to the end of the universe and back.

  5. He is gorgeous. I truly hate time, it passes so quickly. Baby cheeks were meant for nibbling and a year just simply isn't long enough.

  6. in month 9 he looks so much like you...and in month 6 his expression kills me! how beautiful! congrats on completing a year, and many more to come!

  7. from his pictures his personality seems really great. I'd love to meet the little guy. Best wishes for all his years to come!

  8. Happy Birthday Myer! I would buy month eleven as a postcard!

  9. He is just the sweetest little guy! I canNOT believe he is ONE year old already!

  10. yay Myer! what a cutie. but I've noticed... from three months on... he pretty much looks the same! his body gets bigger, but his face doesn't look different. :)

  11. so beautiful. you've inspired me to make sure I take a photo at least once a month :-)

  12. Beautiful happy boy. Happy birthday to both of you :-)

  13. he's such a sweet little guy!
    Having boys is really the best!

  14. so sweet! I love that face! Im going to do the same, come and look! Happy almost birthday sweeet baby!

  15. oh hi there. These photos are too sweet. My wee one, Ethum Asher, is turning 1 in nine days and I am going nuts over it! I don't believe it! (I also can't believe how much your Myer looks like my Ethum! wild!) I was looking over all of the photos I've taken of him over this past year and it is amazing how much you can see through their eyes (terrible wording but I am in a hurry.. I can hear E cooing from his crib(: ). In all photos pre-7th month he just has this almost blank look in his eyes and then POOF its gone and he looks like the smartest kid in the universe. I got into bed last night and said to my husband, "who is that little boy sleeping in my baby's crib?". All to say, it goes by sooooo fast! Thanks for your blog ;)
