December 9, 2009

moms are for everyone!

I made myself a Christmas Banner for my blog. I've never done that before, but I just couldn't stand to look at the birdie banner for one more day. I don't know why, I just got tired of seeing his little birdie face and his little birdie body on his little birdie branch. So I replaced him. blam!

I chose a nativity scene because it worked well with the title of this site (something along the lines of: "even jesus had a mom!"), adding a whole new dimension to the strangeness that is this blog's name. I usually get one of two different reactions in response to my blog title:

1. moms are for everyone? I guess... that's... true. Everyone DID get born.


2. moms are for everyone? bow-chicka-bow-wow! (editor's note: Eeeew. You are gross.)

When I sat down to create this blog, that title was the first thing that popped into my head, so I wrote it in the box and I haven't looked back. It is weird. And slightly ambiguous. Yet, somehow inclusive? And weird.

I like it.


Anywho, a new banner will replace it by the new year.


Today was bitterly cold, yet Myer and I still managed to make our weekly trip to the thrift store while Ezra was in school. I feel like recently there were months where I couldn't find anything good at the thrift stores, but the last few times I've gone, I've found TONS of stuff that I love. (I haven't bought it all, but at least I've found it!)

Here's are a sampling of the goodness I found (and brought home) today:

-A set of large serving platters with OWLS! Be still my heart!
-A cute metal farm-scene bowl.
-And a couple of new down filled pillows for the couch!

Other than that, I finished up my online Christmas shopping and enjoyed some one-on-one time with Myer.

He's such a cool little guy. I really LIKE him.

Happy Wednesday! :)


  1. Those owls are awesome!! lucky you. what great finds.

  2. Very nice touch.
    I am wanting to change my blog background, but that requires my husbands help, I am NOT tech savvy at all! So when we get a chance in I don't know...mid-January I will do it:)
    I love the pillows and owl plate very cute!

  3. I would have peed in my pants with giddiness if I found that owl plate! So so so cute. I got a real cute hand painted (in Japan) tea cup and saucer at a flea market over the weekend.

  4. I love those plates!!! Soooo cute!!!

  5. I like the nativity scene.

    My parents told me they're buying Conrad his own plastic nativity scene for x-mas, one that isn't fragile and glass-one that he can play with. I'm excited to display his fisher price plastic nativity scene every year.

    Love the owl plate.

  6. I love your title. Don't change that, please! That owl plate is so cutey-cute! I need to make more time to go to thrift stores. I guess I've lost my patience for enjoying the thrill of the search. Every once in a while though, the mood hits and I'll come home with some smashing good deal. Always makes me happy I took the time.

  7. major score. i absolutely LOVE the farm bowl! [my hands are numb from shoveling & it took me approximately 5 min to type that.]

  8. You make such cool headers and buttons! What do you make them with?

  9. I LOVE the owl plate!! And that second pic - the bowl with the cottages - I had service for 8 in that pattern 20 years ago!!

  10. annie-- I use photoshop!

    amy- that is so AWESOME. I wish I had found a whole set. I adore this pattern! :)

  11. nothing wrong with a milf now and then
