November 20, 2009

Through the Eyes of Babies.

The other day, this happened:

"Oh, Ezra, this is so comfy and relaxing."

And then this:

"What the HUH?!?"

This picture got me thinking... Yawns must look really strange to babies.

I bet a lot of things we do look really strange to babies.

Of all the things, though, I bet sneezing is THE WEIRDEST.



In other news:
If you live in the OKC area, you should totally come see Shannon Horn & I play tonight at Cuppies & Joe around 8pm! It is going to be so cozy and lovely and... there will be cupcakes to nom on! And hot coffee to sip! Hooray!!



  1. Oh, this was the cutest thing ever! I can't wait for our 2nd to come!

  2. That first pic is so comfy. I can FEEL the comfy-ness right in my own arms. They're just the right size for holding each other!

  3. Oh my gosh girl. Your boys going to get me in trouble being so cute. I want another one- we were just talking today about when we want to start for another one. Dustin asked me if I still wanted to wait 5 years until the next baby...when I was delivering Conrad, i vowed to never get pregnant for a long long time. I laughed and said "No silly!"

    anyway. The boys are a-dorable!

  4. Such sweet pictures!! The funniest thing is I sneezed at the exact time I read the words about sneezing being weird!! Kinda of funny!!!
