February 6, 2009


Dear Ezra,

Today you are four years old.

It seems you've decided that this is a day of big changes. It started out small, when this morning you promptly declared that you would eat your ENTIRE banana. When I asked why this blessed change had come, you said, "Because I'm four now." And you did... you ate ALL your banana. I was shocked. (You never eat all your fruit willingly.)

Then, later, you told me that your room was messy, and that you would clean it all by yourself because "you were four now". Sure enough- your room was spotless by the time we left. I was thrilled!

One other thing that has magically changed upon your waking this morning:

You've decided that you no longer love the color pink. You've decided that since you are now four, you will like brown. Apparently, brown is a "big boy" color?

This has been a big year for you.

You've acquired a little brother! Wowza!

Seeing the love and care that you have for him already, in his short three weeks of life so far, has made me feel somehow... bigger than myself. Like you had been a little snowball in my care, and now I'm watching as you pick up steam and roll down the mountain on your own- getting larger and faster with every turn- and who knows where you'll end up? Every time I look at you, you are lovelier and sweeter than the moment before. More caring and precious to me than even one second earlier. And you've taken on the role of 'big brother' like a knight pulling on his armor. It suits you. It will strengthen you. You were created, in part, to be a brother- and I can't wait to watch you as you grow into this calling. (What a lucky little brother you have!)

You are also starting to fall in love with your friends. The friends who have been in your playgroup for years and the friends you've made at school and at church. This has been a joy for me to watch unfold in your heart... you are such a sweet little buddy. You love your friends fiercely, and I know that in the years ahead, you will have many of them around you... good and loyal friends who will feel the love you have for them and gladly return it.

You are doing so well, Ezzie Bug. I am proud to call you my son. I am proud of who you are and who you are becoming. Thank you for constantly showing me how to live and love brightly... You are an amazing teacher.

Happy happy Birthday!!!!



  1. Happy Birthday amazing little buddie! I can't wait to see you all so soon!

  2. happy birthday ezra!

    ... so i guess ara is a big boy too? cause her favorite color since she could say it has been brown. hmm.. (yellow too).

  3. Happy Birthday, Ezra!

    Lovely tribute, Emery. Adorable picture of your boys.

  4. I may or may not be crying over the picture of him holding myer.

    I can neither confirm nor deny it.

    happy birthday ezra! and a handsome boy you are!=)

  5. Happy Birthday Ezra, your so amazing and such a good big brother! We all love you here in California! Bless you big 4 year old!

  6. happy birthday, ezra! and happy mommy birthday to you, emery!

  7. Happy Birthday Ezra! And I love that picture of him and Myer... too much! :)

  8. Hooray!!! Happy birthday, Ezra :) Emery, that was so beautiful! That post is one that Ezra can treasure and keep close to his heart. The affirmation and love you show your kids is so amazing, and provides such evidence of God's heart in you. Your boys are lucky, lucky fellows!

  9. If there was ever a picture that just makes you want to cry, its the one of Ezra holding Meyer... wow. Adorable.

  10. Happy Birthday to him!

    His face is extraordinary - an angel. The pic of him holding baby is too precious.

  11. wow!!! I bet you are proud! :-)
