January 10, 2009

Ring Sling!

Nothing new to report today... I still feel really good and am enjoying these final days of pregnancy! I know I am going to miss being pregnant once this little guy makes his arrival, so I am trying to soak up these moments like the last days of Summer Vacation... the last days of rest before the whirlwind begins.

I must confess, I was secretly hoping (and praying) that he would be born on the 9th (yesterday). 1.9.09. That's just a cool day to be born. PLUS, it was a full moon, so my chances were good! But, no such luck. Now, I'm aiming for the 12th because it's my best friend's birthday. (Hi, R-Tron!)

I spent part of the day making a sling out of some fabric I fell in love with and some rings I ordered from slingrings.com. The fabric was originally $24 a yard, but I got it for $6. The rings were about $3, so the whole thing cost me less than $20! Also, a friend of mine from California was kind enough to let me borrow her Maya Wrap Sling for awhile, so I'm finally feeling covered as far as carriers go. (Thanks, Debra!!!) Now I am totally ready!

Here's the fabric:

And here's the sling:

Now all I need is a yummy munchkin butt-butt to fill it... woo woo!


  1. That fabric is so cute! I just redid my sling earlier this week with some stronger steel rings from the hardware store because my mom was afraid my brass ones from the craft store would break.

  2. and you say im talented!! I love that fabric it would be loverly pillow fabric wouldnt it!

  3. oooh that fabric is GORGEOUS!!!!

  4. Veery nice!

    Munchkin butt-butt will love it.

  5. such a great sling! so crafty! ;-) hehe! WHERE IS THAT LITTLE BOY!!!!!! HE NEEDS TO COME RIGHT NOW!!!! LOL!

  6. Is there a pattern you went by to make the sling?? How did you make it! I love your thrifty ideas!!!

  7. I also would love to know where you got the pattern! Due in April myself and have been trying figure out how to make one of these!

  8. R-Tron LOVES the sling and your ability to always get a great deal on stuff! Perhaps you can make me one for Peeve Cat? haha.

  9. Hi there! I don't comment very often but I read your blog frequently. I just had to say that is the fabric is so cute!

  10. awwww munchkin butt butt is the cutest thing ive ever heard. so excited for youuuuuuuuu!

  11. Pretty fabric..
    and "munchkin butt-butt" cracked me up!

  12. Very cute! Maybe when I am ready to have another one I can have you make one for me.
