May 11, 2008

Stitches, and Random Fabric...

Ezra would to start with saying....hhhk888888888d1ffhhvghhhrhrfhbfbnb fbbchbdbdhdh.

I am pretty sure that translates to: Moma, I love you with all my heart and thank you for how well you take care of me and show me God's love.


I think back on that leaders meeting back in Cali. The one where your heart began to flood with a mothers love. The B.E. days (Before Ezra) We were so young and lacking in wisdom. But oh, how we were in love! After years of heart break through rocky soil, huge mountains, and barren deserts, we were finally a "Family"! Well...not quite a family. We were missing a little monkey. God, in his faithfulness began to place a new kind of love in our hearts. First in yours, then in mine. This love, a seed, after lots of food and water would became a Mothers love. For 4 years now I have seen a true miracle. One in which God has taken an already amazingly beautiful woman and stitch by stitch has created an astonishingly beautiful Mother! The crazy part is....there seems to be no end in sight. Each day seems to bring new stitches, and new fabrics that at first glance seem awkward and out of place, but with time and a second glance become part of the most beautiful creation I have ever seen.

So on this mothers day, I celebrate my amazing wife. She shows me God's character with mothers heart every day!

Thank you so much honey for all you do for Ezra and I. You teach us about God's heart every day. Thank you for the long days, the tears shed, the laughter, the frustration, the joy, the faithfulness, and the incredible heart you have for us.

Chris and Ezra

Emery: After reading this post you are entitled to a one hour long massage. Yes I said one hour. Redeemable at any time today but most likely after Ezra goes down...

....right now Ezra is having a melt down, and all I want to do is finish this post.
I'm sure you can relate..:)

WARNING: This post has not been edited. I am a terrible speller.


  1. Beautiful, Chris - what an amazing tribute to your amazing wife! Emery, you are a lucky girl...and how blessed Chris and Ezra are to have you! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Emery, You are very lucky to have those 2 guys in your life!

    Chris, I think you got Ezra's translation just right! :) Beautiful letter.

  3. AWW Happy Mom's Day!!! : )

  4. Bravo Emery ! You are where you should be ... a wonderful mother blessed with a crazy neato husband. One hour? Geez !

  5. Bravo Emery ! You are where you should be ... a wonderful mother blessed with a crazy neato husband. One hour? Geez !

    !! Happy Mother's Day !!

  6. aw, so very very sweet... and well-deserved, I am sure!!!
