February 26, 2008

Operation: Grow Hair!

OK, since you asked, here's an update on the Operation: Grow Hair! situation.

First, let's do a refresher of how long my hair was when I started this "growing out my hair" bit 14 months ago:

(Look at me... So young! So innocent! So unaware of how sucky growing out one's hair can be! Also: cute hair! Why the eff have I been growing my hair long again?!)

Aaaaaand now here's how long my hairs are now:

...which is pretty great, right? Except I NEVER wear my hair down like this because it feels like a lion's mane on crack- flying this way and that and finding its way into 80% of what I try to eat. So, I daily resort to my staple hair-doo of the moment: The Side Pony.

Here's where I need your help, dear hair help people of the world. I have a friend who is a hair stylist and she's asked me to be a hair model for her, which means HELLO free fancy hair cut! She says she can leave my length and just cut some layers and trim my bangs, but now I'm thinking "Hmmm... perhaps an A-Line cut would look nice?" You know- shorter in the back and sloping to longer in the front? But then I probably couldn't do my side pony anymore. And it might be harder to grow out after that?

I don't know. I need your help. I must know EXACTLY what to do before I get in the room with a pair of scissors- or else, knowing me, I'll suddenly scream, "SHAVE IT OFF !!!" and then I'd have to slink back here and tell you that, um, I "trimmed my bangs" again. And the stylist must have sneezed or something because NOW I'M BALD.

What to doooo????


  1. ooooo its so cute right now. i wear the side pony like 24/7 too. But there is a time in growing out your hair (I am in the same boat) where you have to get some layerin and bang cuttin to make it look good AND be growing it out. I'd say let her do your hair but NOTHING DRASTIC. :D p.s. i really like your shirt in the side pony one! navy is the new black, bam!

  2. You have so much style it looks great either way! Love the side pony. I just cut off all of my hair in Dec. I miss my side pony :(


  4. You know, in the first pic, you look a LOT like Sarah McLaughlin. (Did I spell her name right?) Anyway, you can pull off short hair...and you can pull off mid-length hair. So whatever you try you'll make it look cute. :)

  5. I think you should def go with the A-line. I recently did that and I love love love it! Im in the process of growing it out (didn't tell the hubby b4 i cut it and now he misses the long hair) and its doesnt look awkward or anything. Its easy to fix but it does make you miss the whole throw it in a ponytail thing!!!

  6. I LOVE MY NEW A-LINE HAIRCUT!!! :-) It's so nice and it takes me NO time to style it... just blow dry my hair upside down and tease a little underneath and VWALA!!! It's fabulous!!! And you can do different things with it... i can still get mine in a pony tail.. (that's a MUST with the amount of sleep I get... early mornings it has to go back in a ponytail)! Thanks for the encouraging comment by the way! I appreciate it! :-)

  7. I'm partial to the side pony! =)

    Although, I do envy you're ability to rock the short hair too. I've had...basically...the same do my entire life! sigh.

  8. I think you should do it, cos nothing makes you feel "new" like a new do - and certainly a trim is mucho needed if you're trying to grow hair out, just tell her to neaten it up and not do too much, cos I'm loving the side pony too - wish mine was long enough to do that... do you straighten your fringe?!?

  9. I have gone through every stage of layers and I will say they saved me through the toughest stages which you are in...go for the layers but let your stylist know you wanna keep the length, that is the only way to really grow it out. I love A-line but I'm afraid it would make the grow out take that much longer. Besides you have mad skills with making anything look cute so she couldn't really screw it up!

  10. i think you should get the A line, because..you get two in one, short and long! you could make anything look awesome so whatev. :)

  11. I like the side pony. Plus, I don't want to scare you, but a good friend of mine was a hair model and she ended up with a ball-cap cut. She had to wear a hat for weeks!

    I work for a lifestyle and wine magazine out of Santa Barbara. My official title is Production and Marketing Manager, but we're such a smallc ompany I also do alot of work in editorial, design, photography, and sales. I basticall wear all the department hats which has given me an awesome understanding of publishing.

    I haven't done an e-mag but I do run our entire website. Currently it is only an e-commerce site, but we're working on putting content/editorial on the site in the next few months.

    I have to tell you, I love what i do, and I want to stay in this field, but it is my hearts desire to do MORE. I work on a magazine that is geared towards rich Montecito women and men. Life is so much more than that, yah know?! I think you have talent. Plus women (and men) with hearts for the Lord have so little to choose from in the way of magazine editorial (that isn't cheesy), and if you need another hand with your project i would be stoked to lend my two-cents.

  12. Ok, so I know people are telling you to just go with the A-line, but you should definitely just go with the bangs trim and some layers and call it good. I totally agree with Summer!

  13. I agree with Jennifer - you seem to be able to pull off whatever style you currently have (do you hear the jealousy in my voice?). If I were you, I'd be brave and let the stylist choose - you never know, s/he might try something you'd never have thought of and you may just end up loving it!

  14. I agree with Andrea June. A trim and some layers. If you wear a pony all the time, then keep it pony length. It looks adorable right now anyway. Maybe she can throw some high lights or low lights in and make the trim look extra special that way. I love your hair. Of course I was born with a mop of curls (that othes for some reason seem to envy because they are insane) so I think straight hair is just so super cool. Like yours!

  15. Em-bear,

    I am growing my hair out - but get it cut and dyed every 6 weeks or so to keep it fresh, keep the layers where I want them, and get my bangs cut.

    Know your stylist! Modeling for Vidal Sassoon was awesome, but sometimes I got things I really did not want because they have an agenda all their own. At the time it was cool, but I will never forget crying to Randy for hours in my car saying, "it looks like I had brain surgery right here!!! Ahhhhhhh, ughhhhh,, I hate my life." So, just make sure she's very cool with you, and watch her like a hawk.

  16. Every time I get my hair cut I ask the stylist what they'd do if they had full rein on my hair...and they always say something boring. So if your friend is willing to try something new and fun, I say go for it! Even if you end up not liking it, it will grow back :) And like some other commenters have said--you can pull off any style. Good luck! Can't wait to see what you end up doing!

  17. it is all cute. It is all fabulous on you. So I am NO help.
    but I can't wait to see what you decide. :)

  18. Whatever you decide will be adorable. I don't think you could go wrong. The good thing about hair is it grows back.

  19. An A-line would be super easy to grow out, because all you'd do is chop the front layers to match the back at some point when you got tired of it. BUT... I have to say that look is starting to wear on me. I was at a playdate the other day, and FOUR moms had that cut. Moms. Four of them. Trendsetters? Them? No. You? Definitely... I think you could make the side ponytail HUGE.

  20. i have been growing out my hair...since...i don't know when, really.
    but then, before moving to jamaica, i let my friend give me a cute a-line cut, leaving the front as long as it was...
    but now it really is making it harder to grow out my hair like you said...
    that's all i have to say about that.
    from stina in jamaica at the children's home.
