September 18, 2007

The Costume Question.

First and foremost, I have a large painful pimple growing on the very inside edge of my right nostril. So, somebody please kill me now.

Chris is home and we all are doing well and feeling great. (minus said pimple.)

I am beginning the search for a Halloween costume for my little Ezzie Bug, and I need your help. These are the ones I am trying to decide between:

mini peter pan?

mini dash?

mini robin?

mini train?

mini mr. potato head?!

The Mr. Potato Head one is simply because he recently received a Mr. Potato Head for a gift and HE LOVES IT almost as much as he loves breathing, I think.

So..... help! Which one screams "Ezra" to you?


  1. I think he would make an adorable Peter Pan!


  2. Peter Pan for sure!!!!

  3. lurker here

    i say go with the peter pan one, as it's the most practical one (nothing anoying in the face and nothing to carry around that won't allow you to sit)

  4. the train conductor is the obvious one to me because of how much he loves his train board, his thomas trains and so on!

    also...i have that same damn pimple this week emery..i wanted to blog about it but totally thought i was alone!

  5. Peter Pan for sure!

  6. I like Peter Pan and Mr. Potato Head the best!

  7. OMG. I LOVE the Mr. Potato Head costume!

  8. wow! there are a lot of peter pan fans! i'm torn between pan and the potato. just torn...
    although, you could take the futuristic route and decide now what you'd like to show his future wife in your ezra scrapbook:)

  9. Oh, I LOVE the Peter Pan costume. He would be so adorable in it.

  10. TOOOOOOOOOOTALLY the peter pan!!!!!! it is OH SO ADORABLEEEE!!!!!!

    : )

  11. So funny... I don't know E very well but I really like the Dash costume. It seems I am all alone. Obviously, whichever one will look absolutely adorable on the kid!


  12. aww...totally Peter Pan

  13. I have to agree... Peter Pan!

  14. 1st place: *peter pan!!! 2nd place: potato head

    * I wanted to be tinkerbell and peterpan with taylor this year but he wants to be Ali G (grrararar!) and I am going to be a *****! (he reads your blog so i can't say yet!!!) Anyways, so I'm partial to peter pan, so there.

  15. i think its between potato head and peter pan. my fave is potato head. please dont make him be robin..? ahha.... but anyway the potato head is one i've never seen and seem really cute and creative--- skylana

  16. I've got to go with Peter Pan...
    put a bow and arrow in his hand and he's Robin Hood - a favorite of ours too.

  17. Oh gosh I have to jump on the bandwagon and say Peter Pan... when I saw it I didn't even have to LOOK at the other ones- it was so obvious.

  18. Definitely the train, although mini-Robin Hood is adorable :)

  19. That Yahtzee had a chris, cameron and Jerami. yall played it at the madona house a million years ago!!

  20. oh and patato gead alllll the way!

  21. Print them all out in color and let Ez pick...

  22. honestly.. i think he needs a mask.. he would be pretty fricking cute running around in that little flash costume...or robin.. i'm a sucker for those little eye masks.. i think he would love it!!

    no train!!!

    peter pan-- honestly--you can't REALLY tell that's what it is--it's the wrong green!! and drop the pants for some green tights? then we can talk.
