July 16, 2007

My Boy, He is Song-Worthy.

I wrote this song last night for Ezra.

This is really rough recording of it... It's called 'A Different Tune'. Enjoy!

**edited to add lyrics**

You're dancing to a different tune
Yes you are, Yes you are.
You're swaying to a different tune
Yes you are, Yes you are.

And all the people in the town will know
there's the boy who walks a different road.
All the children in the street will see
that there's the boy with magic dancing feet...

Because you're dancing to a different tune
yes you are, yes you are.
And you'll lead them in a different tune
yes you will, yes you will.

Don't forget about your different song,
honor it with all your life.
And teach them all a different sway
transforming mourning into light...

This dance will take your life away
to the most amazing place!

This tune will set your life apart-
and it will make room for your heart.

All the lonelies in your path will cry.
Your simple dance will open their eyes.
All the people will gather just to see
the little boy who's lost in jubilee.


  1. Emery--this is the most beautiful son g I've ever heard in my entire life! Seriously--what a beautiful song. It's amazing to me how much of an encouragement you are through your blog...you touch hearts. While I was listening to this song...I had this image in my head of Jesus singing this song over all his children...

    absolutely beautiful.

  2. hmmm and wasn't it you who said you were still trying to bond with him and feel all that amazing squishy stuff....well i'm not sue you could write a song like this if you didnt already feel it. just gotta open your eyes hon, its all right there in front of you, you just dont know it yet

  3. yeah my friend emery is AMZING!! i love it emery!

  4. Absolutely amazing. I've been listening to it over and over...

  5. awoooo!!!! love it... beautiful melody & lyrics, em.

  6. Would you mind posting the lyrics, too?

  7. Very nice Ejo, hence my email to you a few weeks ago.....in a nutshell
    you are the complete package!
    daughter, daughter-in-law. I have a new song too, its called "please come to Reno" he he he

    Dad Clark

  8. thank you all so much. I had no idea how vulnerable I would feel when I posted this brand new song- but I did. Your comments have been amazing for me to read.

    And hello tlee!!! I added the lyrics for you... thanks for listening!!!

  9. I'm not a mom yet to my own children (I have grown stepchildren), but I hope to share something priceless like this to all of my kids. Emery, you are creative and you inspire me as I follow your adventures on your blog. Thanks for opening up and sharing. You call it vulnerability but I see you as courageous!
    ~meghan beck

  10. Beautiful...Thanks for sharing!

  11. Brave Emery and beautiful. Your heart spilled out on a page and now in my ears. Simply beautiful.
    keep singing and keep sharing please.

  12. Sweet Em: Lovely words and lovely voice. But you had great subject matter too !! ... you, too, have always danced to a different tune and you should continue to do so ... see where it takes you.

    I love you.

  13. I am crying.....can he come live here for a while to get to know aunti and uncle!!!!????? Miss you all!!!

  14. Emery Jo,
    You make my heart smile. I love listening to your voice and I think Ezra is a very lucky boy to have such an amazing mother...who has taught him how to dance to a different tune. He is only who he is in part because of you my darling....A-M-A - Z-I-N-G...amazing!

    Love you...LOTS Harmony

  15. Amazing Emery. It's good to hear your voice again. It reminds me of the short time I had the priveledge of sharing house with you. Treasured memories... Love you.

  16. Thank you all so much! I'm reeling over here!

    And HELLO halle !! I love you to pieces. *muah*

  17. you're such an inspiration and i'm so thankful to have you as a mommy role-model (even though your song made me cry!).

  18. Oh my gosh, Emery - absolutely beautiful. What talent you have! Ezra will cherish this song for always...

  19. Emery, I loved this song when I heard it live....so glad you put it on your blog for everyone to enjoy. Hope all is well.

  20. um, kleenex please. i have been searching for sooooo long to find a way to connect with Jesus again. i have been completely lost trying to have the faith of a child like i did in college. i have missed it so much. but then your little blog comes along... and THEN, this song comes. thank you. you have such a precious ministry here that i have been so thirsty for for almost 10 years. thank you!
