May 9, 2007

It's a Small World Craig'sList Afterall..

Chris and I have never had to pay for a major piece of furniture. Unless, of course, you count the bed- but even that was purchased with Wedding Gift money. Other than that, everything has been given to us. We've bought some minor things: a bookshelf, an ottoman, a hallway table... but nothing major.

That is, until yesterday.

Our couch that we had in the living room was very small and uncomfortable and the fabric was splitting all over it. The stuffing was coming out. Like icky couch guts. I was running out of pillows to use to hide the mess, and well, it was time to do something about it.

Sooooo, I looked on Craig's List and happened to find a microfiber couch for sale that I thought had potential. The asking price was reasonable, and Chris and I decided to email the guy and tell him we were interested. Craig's List is great because it's like free classifieds, and ANYONE IN THE ENTIRE CITY can post something on there. There are thousands of listings.

And that's why I found it so shocking when the guy with the cool couch emailed me back and said "I TOTALLY KNOW YOU GUYS."

How crazy is that?! He is the fiance of a friend of ours from church!

We took it as a sign and bought the couch right then and there. Oh how we love it. We can now BOTH lie on the couch at the same time. I call it the 'Snuggle Couch' and Chris insists that it is the 'Napping Couch'. It is a million times more comfortable than our last couch- and it is quite a bit bigger, so I am slowly adjusting to the size difference. Right now it looks like a piece of cartoon furniture to me because our old couch looks like a piece of dollhouse furniture in comparison. (Remember that Gallagher skit with the huge monster couch? HAHAHA. I used to love Gallagher so very much. Okay, maybe I still do a little bit. Or a lot.)

Did I mention it's microfiber?? Whoever invented microfiber should be crowned King of America. Everything just wipes right off of it! DELIGHTFUL!

Here's a picture!


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!

  2. Ooohh it is a snuggle couch! So exciting!

  3. Wow, it looks great on that wall, too! Snuggle-ablity is a very important factor in choosing a sofa. Yea!!!

  4. Emery -
    Once Suzanna and her husband OJ bought a table off ebay, and then when they went to pick it up found out that the people who were selling it were parents of one of their pastors. Turns out it was the table that he grew up at all of his childhood. Crazy stories!!
    Your couch looks great. :)

  5. Oooh, looks deliciously comfy! Wish I could nap on it right now...

  6. nice job... looks great too!!! microfiber is probably a huge plus for such a light color. and a toddler.

  7. nice couch! oh i told you wrong its 5600plus...see you tomorrow!

  8. no kidding, i have the exact same couch! exactly i think. with matching love seat.

  9. adorable. i love love your house and its decorations :)
