March 14, 2007


Remember how I thought I was getting on a plane today? MWA HAHAHAHAHHAHA. (that just may be the laughter that closely precedes a nervous breakdown.)

I attempted to take Ezra to Urgent Care yesterday just to get him all checked out before we got on an airplane. You know, just to be sure. He was still on his antibiotics from his recent double eye infection, so part of me was wary to take him in because I thought they would just throw more antibiotics at him and send us on our way with a hefty bill. When we arrived at the clinic, I did not have my Insurance Card for some reason and there was an hour and a half wait. It was Ezra's nap time, so we decided to just go back home and put him down for his nap. He seemed to be feeling fine except for a runny nose. By the time we'd reached home, I'd pretty much made up my mind to just get on the plane tomorrow and plan on getting Ezra in to his doctor in Oklahoma when we got home.

Later that day, I was out attempting to have some much needed 'alone time' when I got a call from my sister-in-law. Her mother-in-law is a pediatrician (Dr. Robin), and she heard that we'd tried to take Ezra to Urgent Care earlier in the day. Dr. Robin was amazingly kind and offered to DRIVE UP TO MY PARENT'S HOUSE that very evening to check Ezra out for us. Since I was already in town and far away from my parent's house and Ezra, I hesitated. I didn't know what I should do. So, I called my mom and told her about Dr. Robin's offer, and my (VERY WISE) mother told me that we needed to take advantage of the offer if it was being made so generously.

Soooo, my mom and dad drove little Ezra down to Dr. Robin's house and got there around 8:00PM or so. Dr. Robin took one look into my poor son's ears and gasped. BOTH of his ears are incredibly infected, and his throat/tonsils are really swollen and have some gunk on them as well.

Recap: I, in my infinite supply of 'gut motherly instincts', was only hours away from putting my baby boy on an airplane while he had a nasty nasty DOUBLE EAR INFECTION.

The dilemma: Do my sick son and I hitch a ride back to Oklahoma in order to make it to the Saturday wedding that I am meant to be singing at on time? That would mean someone in my family would have to spend 4 days driving just so that I could be there.

We tried to book flights for Saturday morning, hoping that Ezra would be well enough to fly by then and I could still make it in time for the wedding, but all the flights sold out due to some annoying college phenomenon known as "Spring Break". Tickets are extremely expensive and hard to come by. The soonest I can fly out is Monday, and at a much higher price than my original ticket had been sold for.

I am stressed out and under a lot of pressure to make a decision. I feel like I'm dangling at the end of a rope and the slightest breeze could take me out. At this point in time, I am more concerned about Ezra getting better than anything else. So, the plan is that I fly out on Monday with Ezra and I just have to miss the wedding. The thought of missing this wedding is too much for me to think about right now, as it turns me into a blubbering, crying mess.

For those of you that believe in prayer, shoot some our way if you think of it.


  1. Record your song and mail it to them! No, that won't work. Video yourself singing the song and then... no, that won't work.

    You know what - do what you can do and don't stress about what you can't do. No, that won't work either.

    Good luck!

  2. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all. The Lord is near. Be anxious in nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Finally sister what ever is true, whatever is honorable, what ever is right, what ever is pure, whatever is lovely, what ever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things and the God of peace will be with you!

    Philippians 4:4-9

    I love you sweetheart!
    There are many praying for you and Ezra back home!

  3. oh emery......i am so sorry for you. I cant even imagine what this is like. you are such a trooper. soon this will be a distant memory and you will be in your own home safe and sound and ezra will be jumping around feeling better than ever - since his body has gone through a complete detox in the last 2 weeks. anyways many prayers your way. love you

  4. that was me previously :P

  5. prayen! im glad you didnt get on the plane tho!!

  6. I"m thinking saturday wedding people will be so worried about Ezzie they wont even think twice about you not being there! I'll shoot a prayer your way also.

  7. Emery...
    Your priority is that little boy of yours. The wedding will go on whether or not you are there. Your friends will understand that Ezra cannot get on a plane until his ear infections are completely cleared. A plane ride would be so excruciatingly painful for him and I know that that is the last thing that your friends would want for him just so you could be at their wedding. Recording your song and sending it to your friends WOULD work. My sister-in-law did exactly that for a wedding that she could not be at and it was very successful. Think about doing that. In the meantime enjoy being home with your family. I am sure that your parents are absolutely loving every minute that they have with their daughter and grandson...even if he is not feeling so well.

  8. so very sorryy my friend..... i love you and am praying for you all!
