November 24, 2006

One Full Turkey Day (in pictures)....

playing the piano...

thanksgiving smiles.

stuff that turkey!

cook that bird!

hanging christmas lights

basting. (my only contribution to the turkey process... hehe.)

decorating the treeeeee!

playing in the leaves...

raking the leaves...

screaming at the leaves....

and posing in the leaves...

this cat stalks our house and won't leave us be.

grandma and ezra!

grandma and grandpa.

finished product! (soooo yummy.)

le table

yum yum food.

happy thanksgiving!


  1. We have those same dishes!...Well I'll be durned.

  2. Wooooooo Hoooooo happy fun thanksgiving, your family is beautiful!!

  3. so what program do ya'll use that lets you draw and write on your pictures? i want to post a pic of brandon doing a naked sommersault but i would like to cover his little friend only i have no clue how. i have a mac and just can't quite figure it out
