November 1, 2006

The Greatest Gift I Ever Got...

Chris made me an anniversary video and sent it to me because we couldn't be together this year. He's in Kansas City. I've watched this way too many times to admit without embarassment, and my eyes are puffy and red because everytime I watch it, I bawl like a baby.

I. love. my. husband.


  1. well...i think it is safe to say your husband just made every single husband on the planet look like garbage. gosh i can't believe how sweet that was. i'm actually swooning here. btw he has great penmanship. Awwwwwwwww that was so cute. okay i have to sign off now and go poke my husband and ask him why he isn't more romantic! ! ! ! !

  2. Congratulations you guys!!! That is SO amazing! One of the most romantic things I've ever seen!

  3. Emery: That was amazing. Chris is right, you are amazing and more ... he is a lucky guy. And Chris, he is the answer to our prayers for you. You are one lucky girl.

    (I also bawled like a baby !)


  4. That was beautiful! Happy anniversary lovely lady. It was so good to see you while you were here...I miss you. Come back soon. Love you!

  5. tears are streaming down my face! why does your relationship allways make me profusely weep?!!!! i feel like that day you got married and i stood up there like a blubbering baby. wow! LOVE YOUR LOVE!

  6. Oh my goodness, that was amazing!! What a great guy! I think I want Christ (Or Emery) to make Jerami one on our next aniversary. Sorry Emery you might have just got the boot!! LOL< I love you!!

  7. Oh my guys are way too cute. I agree with cameron on this one...brings back the blubbering from the wedding day. You both are such an inspiration to us all. Thank you!

  8. Oh my guys are way too cute. I agree with cameron on this one...brings back the blubbering from the wedding day. You both are such an inspiration to us all. Thank you!

  9. OH. MY. LORD. I have never even met either one of you, and I'm sitting here crying. Emery, thank you for sharing that very special, personal, beautiful part of your marriage with the internet. May we all be so blessed! Happy Anniversary!

  10. Wow. I love you and I love him. He is incredible for making that video - thanks for sharing it with the world and letting me (and reminding me to) dream of finding that kind of love one day.

  11. wow...that was beautiful! I think I might love both of you just from watching the video.

  12. I watched this video again and I'm still swooning. Darnit Emery you are so lucky. Hopefully you spend every day realizing that what you have is beyond amazing. People would probably give up their arm for just a slice of the love you have every day

  13. AGH I have never forgotten this video after I saw it, and I wanted to do something like it for my boyfriend for our anniversary, and I come back to watch it again and it's gone! Nooooooooooooooooo
