My trip to California was amazing.
I was alone. And relaxed. I laughed too loud and too hard and too long at anything that was even remotely humorous. It was so good to see all of my friends again... To roam the streets with Kristy and giggle at her adorableness and hang out in her comfy house...
... and to admire Snag's dance moves and pretend like we didn't know him when he played the toy piano really loud in the bookstore...
...To stay up late and have encouraging conversations with Brook and Simon, all the while laughing so hard I was CONSTANTLY having to pee...
...And enjoying my dear friend Cameron-- seeing him do what God has created him to do and watch gobs and gobs of people be blessed by his work and his heart.
...And driving around with Jess and talking about life while little Jo-Jo hung out in his carseat and discovered how to "GASP!" after just minutes of being with me. (I no longer wonder where Ezra learned this "GASP!" it turns out, I GASP twenty times a minute on average...)
Also, Seeing my sweet, precious, stunning Harmony get MARRIED and whisked away on her honeymoon... Indulging in Smokey Treats at the Gaddis' house... drinking the BEST cup of tea made by 'Tea Master' Darren Clarke... drawing goofy pictures with Jessie and Kristen... the list goes on and on and on.
I'd be lying if I said I was 100% ready to come back home when the trip was over. I missed my husband intensely while I was gone, and every little kid I saw reminded me of Ezra and sent a pang through my heart. But being on my own for 4 days was incredible. I felt like my old self again. No dirty dishes in the sink, no poopy diapers, no nap-times to schedule around or babysitters to find... just me. Me and old used book stores. Me and Nutty Bean coffee in the mornings.
I even enjoyed the flights to and from CA... I'm not much of a flyer... I usually dread the experience... but I was flying solo this time and didn't have to worry about how to pack Ezra's juice without becoming a suspected terrorist. (No liquids or gels on airplanes anymore... they even stole my chapstick. I can just see it now... "Watch out! She's got LIPSMACKERS!!" *frightened screams*) Even when I was thousands of feet up in the sky I was relaxed and grateful for my time away. I journaled and people-watched and listened to music. I looked out the window and saw clouds under my feet.
It's good to be home, but I'm still re-adjusting to reality. I find myself a little despondent and quick to lose my temper... It probably doesn't help that immediately after I got home, Ezra started TEETHING with his two year molars, making him a grouchy, gooey booger-making toddler in place of the non-teething, mellow, mostly-booger-free child I left behind.
And yet, he's getting so big and so smart. I love this age. Here's the latest evidence of his impressive knowledge of various zoological vocalizations:
I had so much fun as well in the car, that was the highlight of your trip! LOL, and IG uess that time at the nutty bean got you prepaired for your teething grumpy BRILLIANT son!! I love you Emery!