July 10, 2006

Family Videos

Here's a fancy trick Chris can do that baffles me. It may be choppy video, but YES Chris is playing a song with his mouth by hitting the top of his head. (I know, whaaaaa?)

And, I haven't told you about the GASPING have I? Well, ALL DAY LONG EVERYDAY Ezra makes this gasping noise and I tried to get some of it on film. (ALL DAY EVERYDAY, people...)


  1. I must know how you added video that would be so neat to share with Casey!!

  2. I LOVE the gasping. I want to do it too. He's so cute!!

  3. Hey i figured it out thanks!!

  4. That was great!!! Tell Chris he has talent :), now getting to Ezra that was truly cute...isn't it amazing how they not only amuse themselves but they also amuse us, I love it! :)

  5. LOL Josiah dose the same thing, I almost thought he was having an athsma attack!! So flipping cute!!
