Earlier, I was crying, and Ezra came into the room where I was with a very concerned look on his face. I got down to his level, and he ran up to me and hugged me HUGE and laid his little head down on my shoulder. My heart melted in my chest. He started to mimic the noises I was making (*sniffle sniflle, whimper whimper*), and within seconds I was laughing my face off. This kid is kindof fantastic.
We just got back from playgroup, and it was really great to be around such amazing women who can sympathize with my disappointment while still reminding me that this all was for the best and that God really does know what He's doing. (that, and Ezra got to run off some of that excess energy, so now he's sleeping like a brick. yesssss.)
So for now, I'm trying to resist the fudge cookies in the kitchen cupboard that are screaming my name, and I may have accidentally slipped "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days" into the DVD player, but I swear I'm barely watching it and I haven't even eaten a SINGLE bite of ice-cream...
...because there wasn't any in the freezer.
(see, debra? our fail-proof plan has gone down in flames!! No house AND no ice-cream. Woe is me!)
Oh no! I'm so sorry you didn't get the house, but that means just this - that wasn't your house.
Have you ever watched Sex and the City? There's this episode where Charlotte and Harry are in the process of adopting a baby, after trying so long to have a baby with no luck...finally they find a woman who is in her final trimester and looking to give her baby up for adoption...they think, "Finally! This is it!" and then the woman decides to keep her baby. Through her tears, Charlotte says to a devastated Harry, "That's okay, honey - that just wasn't our baby."
That was a long story to get to this short point - that just wasn't your house. Which means, your house is still out there, waiting for you to find it, at the right time and at the right place, and that is HUGELY exciting to think about! :-)
Hang in there! And I say, indulge on a little ice cream and fudge cookies - you deserve it!
Yes woe is you, but just think of what a huge WOE it would be if you bought that last house and it fell over while you were in it. And oh my gosh would you go in that kitchen and eat that cookie. Then call Chris and have him stop for ice cream on the way home. You so deserve it.
LOL Emery, you are so funny! Im so glad youa re doing a play group they are sooooooo needed for sanity purposes!
Josiah did the same thing to me the other day when I was crying, except it was hot out and I started crying becuase he was crying! (Hormons) And he stoped and lifted my face and said No and kissed me and cuddled me! Our new plan of manipulation is in action! JK!
We have good kids, maybe we dont completely suck as parents after all!!!!!!!!!
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