April 21, 2006

Time Travel

This is a crazy thought that just occured to me last night:

one day, Ezra will be older.

Now, bear with me here.... Because this thought is really blowing my mind. Like, I never realized this would happen until just last night or something.

But one day, he will be talking to me and discussing deep theological issues with me, like: "Why is the sky blue?" and "If I flush a banana down the toilet, will it feed the mutant alligators in the sewer?" (he will get this idea from watching too many Saturday morning cartoons).

He will tell me things about himself that I don't know yet and relate tragic tales of how he buried his quarter in the school yard and couldn't find it again after recess... He will have sleep-overs at friend's houses and call me in the middle of the night to ask me to come and get him because Jimmy's mommy didn't tuck him in just right and their house smells like cabbage. (and I will all but skip to my car because it will feel so glorious to know that he really did miss me and that maybe he wasn't as close to moving out on his own as I had convinced myself he was when I'd dropped him off there earlier...)

He will suddenly realize (maybe sooner than later) that his mom and dad are horribly outdated, and make a pact with himself to never be seen in public with us again. (He will break this pact just hours later when we bribe him with a trip to the arcade, but Chris and I will purposely wear our most dated, unfashionable attire just to ruffle his feathers.)

And all of this will seem so normal to me in the future, but for now it seems completely absurd as I look over at Ezra and watch him stuff animal cookies down into the depths of the couch-- quietly whispering "uh-oh" under his breath because, for now, it's the only word he knows.


  1. that made me smile - quietly stuffing the animal crackers in the couch. Ezra is teh cuteness!

    Do you and Chris plan on having more kids?

  2. THat teally made me laugh, thankyou for that!!

  3. Emery:
    I love hearing your heart. THe Lord has given you an amazing and articulate way of writing..... it is a gift, continue to water,cultivate and let it grow..
    mandy stewart

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