April 24, 2006

CA Cool

We are getting ready for California...
swim trunks? check.
flip flops? check.
laid back CA attitude? check. (sometimes)

We can't wait to see our friends in CA and in Reno... but there is a 22 hour drive between us and them... PRAY FOR US.

Ezra's front tooth has always had this big spot on it (it came out that way), and just a couple of days ago, the part of his tooth with the spot on it chipped off and now a big chunk of his front tooth is missing! Now what?? Can they fix little baby teeth like this? How? Ezra can only sit still for about 2.5 seconds!
I feel horrible-- poor guy is already having tooth trouble... (he takes after me in this area.)

I'm going in on Wednesday to get my 86th root canal done. Ok, maybe I haven't had that many- but it's got to be something close to that. I'm thinking of asking if we can just skip all the years of dental work I have ahead of me and start discussing dentures now... then we can use all that money we'll save to put Ezra through college and retire at the ripe old age of 30.... (i have expensive teeth.$)


  1. Well I can't wait to see you guys either....but I will definately pray for the travels as well as poor little Ezra's teeth. That is a crappy thing to happen especially to a 1 year old.....and Emery I feel your pain on the root canal I have had 3 done in the last 6 months and don't think I can handle anymore. But at least the pain will be gone!

  2. Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  3. Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

  4. Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

  5. Hi Emery - I know this may sound random - but would you please e mail me? I need to ask you a favor. I tried the emeryboard@aol.com address and it bounced back to me. My e mail is deanajooste@hotmail.com.
